[QUOTE="Bass7"]This is why I hate going to game stores such as Gamestop. Their employees are so stuck up and think they know everything :?...all the ones that know stuff are either working for a game company, or on Gamespot being awesome :P.
As for Pokemon...it can be enjoyed by anyone. Sure the show and advertising throws it out there like a "kids" game (and series), but if you break it down to the core mechanics, it's a great RPG game. And who knows? What if the older gentlemen was buying it for someone he knew? Christmas IS IN 3 DAYS, what better time to suspect he's buying to for a child and not for himself.kamikaze_pigmy
Maybe the employee said what he said because that's exactly what he suspected, because there is such a thing as a "sense of humour". If, as a guy, I was buying tampons or something, thats a good cue for a light hearted joke.
Well given the context of the TC gave, it sounded as if the employee was giving off a negative vibe rather than a light hearted joke. If it was intended to be a joke, it renders my entire first post to nothing.:lol:
Pokemon always has been targeted at kids. Not to say that Pokemon is strictly for children, but I'm pretty sure that everyone gets past their Pokemon phase after age 11 or 12. That's when the kids start getting into the h4rdc0r3 stuff! :P
Not entirely true, I know plenty of people who still love things they loved as kids. I think growing up with Pokemon sort of makes sure you don't drift away from it...it's that nostalgic aspect of the game. I'm not saying EVERYONE who played it as a kid still loves it today, but it's not something so rare as to say that "everyone gets past their Pokemon phase after age 11 or 12."
And what do you mean by "hardcore"? You mean as in mature right? Cause there's a whole new level of Pokemon if you play legit battles online (with set rules and such) :P.
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