Many shooters are endowed with a limited set of out-and-out worthless weapons. In your average FPS or TPS, you're sure to find plenty that's been nerfed, all for the sake of that most "precious" of all things... balance. Nonsense, I say! What's the point of a game if you can't eventually obtain the Slaughter-A-Tron XL3500Z+ and single-handedly obliterate a few armies?
That's why I've made this thread. It's a place where we can worship those most sacred of boomsticks... the ones that made us laugh maniacally when we wielded them in battle, and cry when we found ourselves on their wrong ends.
As for me, I've made up my mind. My favorite video game gun of all time is nothing 'too' special... or so you'd think. It's just a rifle, right? It doesn't fire ball lightning, MIRV rockets or glowing blobs of plasma, so what's the big deal? Well, it may be "just" a 7.62mm semi-auto rifle. But it's also deadly accurate, and it kills stuff deader than a doornail, too.
It's the NPSR-755 "Nano-Precision Rifle" from Red Faction II, the customized sniper rifle used by Quill that fires explosive rounds. In an era of sissified bullet-hoses that could barely hit a man standing ten yards away, there was the NPSR-755. This thing has a scope that actually scans for life-signs, pointing out thethe location of visible targets with a rotating red dial even if they're not directly in your sights. It has a 32-round magazine and can fire as fast as you can pull the trigger, placing each round in exactly the same place no matter how rapidly you fire it. Few guns really make me swoon for them. I can be playing a round of COD4 or Halo 3 and get pinned down by heavy fire and think... "man, I really wish I had a Nano-Precision Rifle right about now". No other video game weapon comes close to eliciting the same feeling of jubilation as the NPSR-755 does when I'm poppin' noggins with it. The sound it makes... it's like a whistling tambourine of death. It's all-round dependable, has a good rate of fire, and solid damage to boot. It's my favorite video game gun of all time: (It's the second weapon he uses after the pistol, the rifle with the glowing yellow scope. Watch what it does to those bots, and you'll see what I mean.)
No video game rifle of the same class - The 7.62mm Dedicated Marksman's Rifle - even comes close.
Picture the M21 in COD4. Now, picture that gun doing twice as much damage, with no recoil, a higher maximum rate of fire, a magazine three times as large, and a scope that helpfully indicates the direction of enemies. Unbalanced? Hell yes. Do I care? No. I believe in victory through superior firepower. If you plan on giving the enemy a fighting chance by going into combat with a .32 ACP sub-gun of Czech manufacture, then you just didn't plan hard enough.
So, what's your favorite video game weapon of all time?
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