I was just browsing through the site and came across the review for punch out for the VC. I noticed something in the review where it said that one of it's downsides is that when playing an older game on HDTV that there is sometimes a lag in the controller. They said it had nothing to do with the emulation itself, that's just how old games play on HDTV. Now here's my question, i am big on classic games and play them quite often, however i have yet to buy an HDTV so i never even thought about this kind of thing. For those who have an HDTV and hook up their classic consoles to them, do you all notice any lags in the controls. More specifically to any of you that may have an NES hooked up on HDTV and have Punch Out, do you notice any problems? I'm interested in knowing what you have to say when it pertains to all the old games, but specifically punch out because that is my favorite game ever made, and one where timing is incredibly important. I just want to know if i'll be able to play games like that on HDTV without worrying about timing issues w/ the controller. Any first hand advice would be appreciated. thanks
I have a fair few older systems hooked up to my HDTV (about 12-15 that are before the PS2/XB/GC era) and I have not noticed any lag at all. My TV has a feature that lets you view content in Wide, Panarama and the traditional ratio, for the most part I switch to the 4:3 ratio when playing on older consoles because of pixel distortion.
But as for lag? I've never encountered it. Though I'll use that as an excuse from now on.
My older systems look like dog vomit on my HD display. Every flaw that was covered up is brought out in glaring detail. As such, I don't play my old systems on my new TV.
I can tell you that lag on an HDTV happens even with new games. Guitar Hero II for the 360 actually comes with a lag calculator so you can offset it and keep the game accurate. I'm not sure what the exact reason is for HDTV's to exerience lag, only that I know that it does indeed exist.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that if lag can happen with new games running on new systems on an HDTV, it can happen on old games as well.
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