@pcvirginrace: Last year was a huge hit for all console platforms, you're in the minority assuming generations need to be shorter due to power differences. P.C. was always the place to go if you want the option to max out performance, yet rarely a care for many. Because console games usually hit a middle ground performance wise while focusing on accessibility which was always the point in gaming consoles.
I have a gaming P.C. and use my PS4 and Switch more. And many factors for this
Hardware is rarely a reason for me because I just want to play fun games, which granted P.C. can do, however. Counting frames and staring at textures is the least of my concern. The last game I got on P.C. PUBG has its fair share of performance issues, even with me able to max out most my games.
I play P.C. for keyboard and mouse games usually. Huge investor in games like War for the Overworld and Elite Dangerous. Even some pad focused/ Pixel Indies like Owlboy that have yet to hit consoles (I will double dip).
You must also keep in mind two of the most well-received recent P.C. games of all time are Undertale and Minecraft. Not very demanding games in any sense, and are a reflection of how little power really matters even on the P.C. platform and the buyers market at large.
Lastly I usually prefer online communities within console versions for multiplayer games, mixed results depending what you are playing, however I've found games like DkS are filled with hackers that even the developer has given up fixing. Played DkSIII quite a lot on both P.C. and PS4 and had a lot more fun PvPing on PS4. P.C. version was a nightmare! Outside of WftO the only other game I'm still playing online with P.C. is dipping into Quake Champions, which, is Early Access (Beta).
All in all, this should be on System-Wars regardless as its focus is on clashing platforms against each other, with little reason to do so.
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