[QUOTE="jedigemini"][QUOTE="CarnageHeart"]Advertising does matter if it makes an interested audience aware of a product, but it doesn't create demand. One won't convince people who have no interest in a product to buy a product merely because one puts it one tv (advertising Saw 2 didn't cause people with no stomach for such material to run to the theaters). No traditional game on the Wii has put up the type of numbers that would convince anyone that a big, expensive tv ad campaign could pay off.Good advertising is two fold, it creates demand by making the product appear enticing, and like you said it makes people aware of the product, which also creates demand (among people who are interested in product that have now been made aware of it).CarnageHeart
I don't know where you're going with this...my guess is no where... just some after-math backpedaling after your usual unsubstantiated anti-Nintendo spin that backfired once more when you mistakingly claimed that RE4 Wii editions sales were low because you thought they hadn't passed 250 k worldwide (which still would be impressive fyi).
Skylock sought to excuse RE4's sales by stating it wasn't advertised on tv enough, I pointed out that advertising doesn't create demand only awareness (which may or may not lead to demand) , you replied that trillions are spent on advertising, I supported my claim with concrete examples, and thus we arrived here.
400K is better than 250K but still not as good as RE4 would have done on a system with a larger base of hardcore gamers such as the X360.
"Excuse" RE4's sales? :|400 k... in less than 2 months... for a virtually unadvertised port... of a 2 year old game?
Do you inhabit some kind of strange dimension where everything Nintendo is wrong and everything not Nintendo is right?
btw ;)...
... you are aware that RE4 Wii edition has sold so well that Capcom raised their income forecast because they were caught off gaurd by its success?
... oh and your claim that it would have sold better on the 360 is completely unsubstantiated.
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