[QUOTE="Foulcry"] Such a brilliant opinion that I'm suprised you didn't scribble it in crayon.Foulcry
Well said, Double Wide apparently thinks Final Fantasy XIII is some how worse than Superman 64.
I figured thats something he would say after basically saying that Final Fantasy XIII sucks because it received no DLC. That's what I'm gathering anyway I didn't read anything else he wrote. Also I'm wondering if it occured to him that the game didn't recieve any DLC because the game was actually acomplete experience from the get go and didn't need DLC.I'll agree that Final Fantasy XIII might not be the best FF game there is but I think it's a great game regardless of how linear or short it is compared to the others. I love the story and Characters. My favorite is still FFVIII. If I had to put it in order though I would put FFVIII, FFVI, FFVII and FFXIII I didn't even finish FFXII because I didn't like it at all.
I only got about half way through. It was pretty painful for me. Characters were uninteresting and so was the story for me anyway. I just bought IX digitally to give it another chance. When I was younger and this first came out I couldn't really get into it but my tastes have changed so hopefully I'll like it. I didn't care for FFX that much either maybe one day I'll get my hands on it and give that another chance too. I remember liking it till about half way through. I liked Auron a lot but who doesn't. I didn't really care for Titus. I never played Final Fantasy I, II, III, IV and V.
I have FFI, II, III, and IV though. I'll get to them eventually. FFXIII had it's flaws but It was a great addition regardless of how people feel about it. Also I have no Idea what he is talking about but I don't really rememer FFVIII having that many side quests. Also the majority of them were to obtain cards for your deck.
Some of those cards were really powerful and useful if you converted them with the card-mod ability early on and I believe you could get some GF's from them too but the only side quest that was long and worth it in my opinion was when you wanted to get Squalls Ultimate weapon the lionheart. That was't even really a side quest though. That was just finding parts from rare monsters while grinding from what I remember. So this kid has no idea what he's talking about.
Exactly I agree with you 100%. The reason I say Double WIde says FFXIII is worse than Superman 64 is because in a thread that was about the top 100 worse games of all time, he put FFXIII at number 3 higher than Superman 64 and Big Rigs over the truck racing, and than he went on and tried to justify why it was worse than those games which made little to no sense. FFXII is ok, I could not get into it, and to be honest I found I also like you enjoyed FFXIII more than that, but of course the game is "linear" so its a disgrace to the series, but wait, so all final fantasies are linear. Its just that others have the illusion of not being there since you have things like World maps and what not, but still its very linear. Let us not forget that FFXIII is structured almost exactly the way FFX is as well...but no one seems to remember FFX.
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