This period is for me resident evil ESQUE i beated REmake with Jill in hard mode (dying just two times one with LIsa trevor... and completed in 10 hours) and i so decided to continue Jill in re3 nemesis wher i managed to arrive to part where you control Carlos...i don't say anything to not ruin game experience
What can i say? I was really impressed with this game, i didn' know the game, ps times i took just the first and the second, however the second game was for me a colossal disappointment so i decided to not invest my money in part 3
Then i did a huge mistake, this is possibly the best RE game to date on ps1, so many game innovations that make this game special, first enemy stalk you in the form of a dread killer machine armed with a rocket launcher so powerful you better avoid to fight with him every time, second great innovation is the possibility to mix gun powders to create great projectiles for your guns just as you mix herbs to get some advantages as unvenom or recover health,
i can say this game beated my aspectatives and is out of my resident evil games my second favorite behind REmake where i like really each part of it.
Not having still finished game i can't talk about game extras...for which concerns an overly not os appreciated RE CV i say i like that episode too, probably is my third favorite in resident evil line, i like game variety and deloclaization activity, that is great when you reach unexpectly antarctica and you take chris where you finished with claire
my grade list is for that i played:
1. REmake
2. RE3 nemesis
3. RE CV
4. RE4
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