While I don't think anyone will claim RE6 was some fantastic pinnacle of gaming, I agree a 4.5 was too low. The problem isn't just with this particular review of one particularly lackluster game. Gamespot's reviews are wildly inconsistent, It's as if they have no guidelines that every reviewer must follow when scoring a game or writing the review.
You see this A LOT in the games that score between 6.0-7.5. Many times what is said in the review does not reflect the score given. I recall many times reading a review for a game that got a 7.0 when the review was mostly positive and never stressed the negative points, making me ask why the game only got a 7.0. Other times, they will have reviews that are also a 7.0 that are pretty much entirely negative, stressing the game brings nothing new to the table or certain mechanics just don't feel refined or well implemented, yet these games also get a 7.0.
In my personal opinion, Gamespot has the nasty habit of busting down a games review scores if they don't fix genre-wide issues. How many MMORPG's has Kevin V busted way down because they only make minor tweaks and changes to the standard formula? How many fighting games has Max McGee come down on because they don't do a good job of walking newbies through every little thing about the fighting system?
Ironically Kevin gave GW2 a 9, even when he was playing a Necro which was a glitchy/bugged class. He trys to be an idealist when it comes to reviews but it just makes him look bad specially when he came out and said he wanted to score games lower and "make games earn that 8+ score".
An excellent point about GW2. Don't get me wrong I like GW2, I think It's a very well made game, but after a week of playing it I felt the same tired old MMO habits creeping into my soul.
While at the same time he gives a game like Rift an 8, which was about as polished and full featured as you could possibly expect an MMO to be at launch. Admittedly I felt Rift stuck a little too close to the tiered gear grind progression. Though their legit attempt to make dynamic content that just randomly happens as you're playing was fun. I was also impressed that they (mostly) managed to balance pvp and pve without having them effect each other.
Also look at Tera, which got a 7.5. The game has some pretty major development support issues, but that was in no way apparent when the review was published. IMO the combat in Tera was better than GW2 and the game was graphically superior to just about every MMO on the market.
Also sorry, I didn't mean to hi-jack this thread. Back on topic:
RE6 was about a 6 out of 10 to me. Nothing about the game was massively broken. I never encountered any game-breaking bugs or glitches. The controls could be a bit awkward, but never to to the point where I felt they just weren't working as intended.
The problem with RE6 was that it was 1) trying to appeal to non-Resident Evil gamers by impersonating games like Call of Duty and Uncharted. 2) It was a mash-up of half developed ideas from a team of developers who just weren't good enough to pull it off. All the talent left Capcom awhile ago, so all the major franchises they have are now in the hands of people who just aren't up to task.
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