I've always pondered how great it would be to battle zombies in the wild west using the same engine that Red Dead Redemption had. RDR had good combat, immersive atmosphere, pretty graphics, and decent story telling. This DLC is almost a dream come true for me - they went the extra mile with it. What do you think about it?
I think zombies are becoming a video game CLICHEI agree, I saw Yakuza is doing a zombie thing now... it looks horrible.
I think it is cool in some games and I would have loved to see a free roam zombie game but in a city like Grand Theft Autos style.
But it is getting a tad ridiculous, especially since some games just suck.
Still, I think it is cool for Red Dead Redemption. But what is next, robots taking over mankind. I wouldn't doubt it.
Check: New Borderlands DLC.
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