I have my Saturn connected to an LCD HD TV through S-Video. The picture's not the greatest, but it's OK. The real issue is the lag. It makes all the great shooters I have unplayable! I've done a lot of searching around the 'net and I think there are devices out there that can fix this (and possibly get me a better picture), but I've just ended up getting more and more confused. Can anyone help me with this and maybe point me in the direction of something I can buy to fix this?
i use a lcd hd tv for all my systems and none have lag problems, , even saturn the only issue i have is with snes it has a green line on black screens ,other then that it works 100 percent with out lag or other problems with all my other consoles
Then again, all of my Mega Drive systems (NTSC/U/J/PAL) *plus* my SEGA Nomad for some reason don't show colour signal only on my Sony Wega TV. But they do in every other TV I've tried them on, including other Wega TVs. So I know about weird TV sets.
In any case, to reply to your query. There's an RGB cable available for the Saturn. If your TV has an RGB input, that's undoubtedly the best picture you will get off the Saturn.
i use a lcd hd tv for all my systems and none have lag problems, , even saturn the only issue i have is with snes it has a green line on black screens ,other then that it works 100 percent with out lag or other problems with all my other consoles mariokart64fan
there is lag, but you probably dont notice it. ALL LCDs have a response time. even a 2ms is noticeable.
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