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Don't forget the pair of classic arcade racers = Virtua Racing and Sega Rally.
Also, do not get Tunnel B1, for any reason, like at all.Â
Enemy Zero, Baku Baku Animal, Dynamite Deka, Astal, Shining the Holy Ark, GunGriffon, Daytona USA, Dark Savior, The Story of Thor.
Those are some great and cheap games.
here's a go to List of some Of The Best Games that won't break your wallet:
 Daytona USA
Sega Rally Championship
Virtua Fighter 2
Virtua Cop
Fighters Megamix
Virtual On: Cyber Troopers
Street Fighter Alpha 2
Panzer Dragoon Zwei
NiGHTS into Dreams
World Series Baseball 98
Other recommendations:
Last Bronx
Baku Baku
Shining Force 3
Shining the Holy Arc
Nights into Dreams
Guardian Heroes
Panzer Dragoon Saga
Burning Rangers
Sonic R
Those would be my suggestions that i can remember from the top of my head.
Shining Force 3
Shining the Holy Arc
Nights into Dreams
Guardian Heroes
Panzer Dragoon Saga
Burning Rangers
Sonic RThose would be my suggestions that i can remember from the top of my head.
Please never refer to Sonic R in a good way... God...Â
If you get Daytona, get the Championship Circuit Edition (way more content than the original).Nintendo_Man
No, this person should not. CCE may have had more content, but it replaced the hillariously fruty (yet stangely enjoyable) music from the original with terrible rock remixes and it also completely destroyed the excellent handling of the original. The Japanese version, which is simply called Circuit Edition, retained the old music and the old handling, so if this person really wants an updated version of Daytona, he should stay away from the US/EU version and import the *** version.
I'd personally recommend:
-Daytona USA
-Daytona USA: Circuit Edition (*** version of Championship Circuit Edition, and is much better than the US/EU version)
-Sega Rally Championship
-Virtua Fighter 2
-Virtual On: Cyber Troopers
-Road & Track Presents: The Need for Speed
-Radiant Silvergun (if your willing to shell out $200 to buy a copy, although there are "methods" to obtain it for a much lower price...)
-Sky Target
-Mega Man 8
-Tempest 2000
-Panzer Dragoon
-Panzer Dragoon Zwei
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