Chrono Cross is a great game. Just don't expect much connection to Chrono Trigger. Only a few loose threads tie the two games together in any meaningful way.
Almost anyone will tell you to avoid DMC2 at all costs, and with good cause, it's terrible. However I don't agree with the DMC4 hate. While it may not be the best in the series, it's not broken or poorly designed by any means. If you enjoy DMC1 and 3 and still want more after you finish them you will like DMC4. DMC4 also pulls back on the difficultly a little bit, which is a good thing. Seeing how other than Ninja Gaiden, DMC3 is one of the most punishingly unforgiving action games I've played in the last two console generations.
A sequel that was a let down for me was Silent Hill 4: The Room. Not only was it graphically worse than SH3, it was a step backwards in design as well. Constantly retreading the same bite sized areas got boring. Many times I competed entire areas of the game blindly running from room to room dodging uninspired looking monsters. Not to mention parts where you could horribly handicap yourself by using certain items too early in the game and getting to a point where you are unable to get them back for later use. Not to mention, the game wasn't originally even developed as a Silent Hill game! Late into the games development a handful of obscure references to Silent Hill were shoved into the game, and presto! Silent Hill 4!
Xenosaga Episode 2 is another disaster. The first one had a deep story, interesting characters with unique special moves to make them stand out. The second one stripped all the individuality from every character and slapped them into a poorly thought out battle system that basically forced you to sit there and let the enemy beat you to death to be able to do your special attacks. I never bothered playing the 3rd Xenosaga, as I was never able to stomach beating the 2nd game so I would of been missing huge plot points.
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