Okay, don't get me wrong here. I'm 26 and I too curse as much as a sailor sometimes.
With that out in the open, I bought and downloaded BF1943 for the PS3 last night (a glorious mistake from the start). I figured hell, I liked theother BF games. What could be wrong? BF1943 got good reviews across the board. Rated teen. Seems like a wholesome, WW2 shooter experience.Lock and load I guess. The whole "having to download another EA game to even get Battlefield 1943 to go online"thing aside, which took about a full hour to figure out and bypass. I was already pretty annoyed. Oh, but I was in for a treat. I get into Battlefield, Guadalcanal, and the following conversation takes place.
Random Player 1: "Hey, can anyone (expletive deleted) hear me?"
RP1: "Hello? Can anyone (expletive deleted) hear me?"
RP1: "Seriously, I've been on this game ten minutes now and no one is (expletive deleted) talking."
No one says anything. Few minutes pass.
RP1: "CAN ANYONE (expletive deleted) HEAR ME?"
Random Player 2: "Yeah,I can hear you now. The mic system is borked in this game. No one can really hear anyone. It's best if you just don't try to communicate over coms. Just fight."
RP1: "Yeah, I've been (expletive deleted) talking for the past twenty or so minutes. This is the first time I've heard anyone talk in this (expletive deleted) game."
Random Player 3: "Yeah, this game (expletive deleted) sucks donkey (expletive deleted)."
RP1: "No (expletive deleted) kidding. They need to add some new (expletive deleted) maps."
RP3: "Yeah, I'm getting tired of playing 3 (expletive deleted) maps over and over."
RP1: "It's pretty (expletive deleted) ridiculous."
Yet, they continue to play while they air how much they dislike the game. Same thing next match
RP1: "Can anyone (expletive deleted) hear me?"
I enjoyed the hell out of Grand Theft Auto 4, etc. Even the language fit. I couldn't take much more than a few random maps of this. Obviously the PS3 mic and sound system for this game is screwed up. Obviously.
Somehow, BF1943 just pissed me off to no end, having to listen to a bunch of kids curse over and over again. I felt like my ears were being sound-(expletive deleted) after a few minutes. How can the ESRB possibly rate any game Teen or lower these days if it's going to be online if people on these servers are going to be talking like that? I just don't get it.
Parents, raise your kids better. This current generation? Mine too for that matter. They both suck.
The whole point I'm trying to make is I immediately uninstalled BF1943, and popped in inFAMOUS, because let's face it, inFAMOUS is fun and it doesn't happen to (expletive deleted) my ears.
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