I think it is also important to look at not only why there are not as many female leads as male ones, but also look at why there aren't many enduring female characters.
Men on the whole are more charismatic then women. Wittier, suaver, more wordly. Simply because looks don't get men by as much so they need something else (and the aforementioned are the traits they hone)
The upshot is that in life and in media you have more enigmatic male characters than female ones. Think of characters that have an almost magnetic influence over screen time in any media and they are almost always inevitably male; Nathan Drake, Tony Stark, Tyrion Lanister, Jack Sparrow etc;
I can think of dozens of female characters who are leads in their own game, but I can't think of any that demand the kind of screen presence that a crowd of people will break into applause just at them appearing in a trailer (actually, I can, but they aren't leads in their game).
In fact the only thing a lot of female characters have going for them is being 'strong, tough and independent' which is boring because in men speak that is 'ordinary, par for course and trite', not something special. Would Tyrion Lanister be a fan favourite if 'strong, tough and independent' was all he had going for him? Probably not.
So why do developers approach female characters as if their character starts and ends with those traits? I do think this problem ultimately circles back to real-life. Women just aren't as charismatic as men on average. They use humour socially amongst audiences that are predisposed to laugh at their (terrible) jokes, whereas men live in a world where they have to conquer hostile audiences through character...so their jokes better be pretty damn good to win those audiences over.
The above is dealing mostly with wit and humour but the same can be said of almost any character trait that makes a character charismatic and enigmatic.
Anyway, the point is that most female characters that people point to as 'good examples' tend to be dull, dull, dull. So it's not wonder they don't become part of an enduring franchise; they are interchangeable.
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