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Coolyfett feels that coop is an important feature for the Batman franchise. No question about it. Tim Drake needs more exposure, he is a very great character, but seems to always be left out of the mix. Adding Tim Drake as a playable hero, with exclusive move set would be the dopeness. DC needs to do this.
No, please oh please not anotherCo-Op feature. It's a single player game and it should really stay that way. The best thing about Batman: AA was the loneliness and hiding alone in the shadows.
Having another player would take away from the atmosphere.
No, please oh please not anotherCo-Op feature. It's a single player game and it should really stay that way. The best thing about Batman: AA was the loneliness and hiding alone in the shadows.
Having another player would take away from the atmosphere.
Co-OP>Single player.
And you act as though you would be forced to play with someone else.
No, please oh please not anotherCo-Op feature. It's a single player game and it should really stay that way. The best thing about Batman: AA was the loneliness and hiding alone in the shadows.
Having another player would take away from the atmosphere.
Co-OP>Single player.
And you act as though you would be forced to play with someone else.
I just don't see the point of Co-Op in a Single player game like Batman: AA.
Maybe in another Batman series Co-Op would be more suited, but in the Arkham series it doesn't seem to fit.
No, please oh please not anotherCo-Op feature. It's a single player game and it should really stay that way. The best thing about Batman: AA was the loneliness and hiding alone in the shadows.
Having another player would take away from the atmosphere.
Co-OP>Single player.
And you act as though you would be forced to play with someone else.
In a lot of cases co-op isn't better than single player. (Look at Resident Evil 5)I say bring in Robin as CO-OP for the first half of the game. Then have the Joker creatively and brutally murder him. I think this will make everyone happy. Because if co-op sucks, you'ld be happy he died. And if it's great you'ld be pissed and would want to avenge the death of your lil' buddy.
Robin get killed? Come on now you can't kill off Drake. THis sin't Jason Todd we're talking about.I say bring in Robin as CO-OP for the first half of the game. Then have the Joker creatively and brutally murder him. I think this will make everyone happy. Because if co-op sucks, you'ld be happy he died. And if it's great you'ld be pissed and would want to avenge the death of your lil' buddy.
What is with you single player purists? It doesn't have to be intergrated into the story but the option would be nice. UnlceDockFrom all the games i played when coop comes in place, the main character loses a large dose of focus and the story is taking multiple steps back for the gameplay to be more fun with multiple players, same goes for the atmosphere, examples: resident evil 5, gears of war. Now example of games being better because of focusing on a single character, batman aa ofcourse and uncharted. Another example will be fear 3 in the future, you will see that as a coop its no longer scary or have that atmosphere and the story will dissapear and end up into yet another game that 2 characters run around and kill stuff rather the game having a deep emotional/story/atmospheric feeling or solo compaign.
Robin get killed? Come on now you can't kill off Drake. THis sin't Jason Todd we're talking about.[QUOTE="DaX_Factor"]
I say bring in Robin as CO-OP for the first half of the game. Then have the Joker creatively and brutally murder him. I think this will make everyone happy. Because if co-op sucks, you'ld be happy he died. And if it's great you'ld be pissed and would want to avenge the death of your lil' buddy.
Just kill my dreams why don't cha. :P I was wondering when some someone was going to refer to Jason Todd. You saw right through me. I used to own that comic I don't want to talk about it:evil:
Robin get killed? Come on now you can't kill off Drake. THis sin't Jason Todd we're talking about.[QUOTE="jasonharris48"]
I say bring in Robin as CO-OP for the first half of the game. Then have the Joker creatively and brutally murder him. I think this will make everyone happy. Because if co-op sucks, you'ld be happy he died. And if it's great you'ld be pissed and would want to avenge the death of your lil' buddy.
Just kill my dreams why don't cha. :P I was wondering when some someone was going to refer to Jason Todd. You saw right through me. I used to own that comic I don't want to talk about it:evil:
Aww now you have to tell the story[QUOTE="UnlceDock"]What is with you single player purists? It doesn't have to be intergrated into the story but the option would be nice. dakan45From all the games i played when coop comes in place, the main character loses a large dose of focus and the story is taking multiple steps back for the gameplay to be more fun with multiple players, same goes for the atmosphere, examples: resident evil 5, gears of war. Now example of games being better because of focusing on a single character, batman aa ofcourse and uncharted. Another example will be fear 3 in the future, you will see that as a coop its no longer scary or have that atmosphere and the story will dissapear and end up into yet another game that 2 characters run around and kill stuff rather the game having a deep emotional/story/atmospheric feeling or solo compaign. Hears the thing about that. I've played the uncharted 2 campaign once. It was great, I absolutely loved it, but I have yet to play it again. I've played the Gears of War 2 campaign about 10 times. Funny thing is I don't even consider the gears campaign to be better but coop just gives a game way more replayability. I agree that story often suffers because of coop... I'd say splinter cell conviction probably did it best by giving both. Had that game been single player only I wouldn't have wasted 60 bucks on it. I pay 50 bucks for live so I need games with coop to justify that. I love a great story too but I don't replay single player campaigns often so coop for me means the difference between a rental and a purchase.
NO! unless it's like MW2 spec ops where its just random short missions and not a part of the actual story. besides, i think co-op works better in free-roam or atleast large worlds, not linear levels like Batman:AA was and Batman:AC will be. and co-op wouldnt really work with the fighting style that was in AA it would be way to sloppy looking and feeling and the smooth flow of combat was a big part of AA's success, plus after all the crappy batman games they finally found a hit with AA so i doubt they will change it to much, same Metroid style levels where it's overall large but still linear and only as you upgrade your abilities will you be able to reach new area's from area's you've already been more than once, new enemies, few new gadgets, and thats prolly gonna be Batman:AC
[QUOTE="dakan45"][QUOTE="UnlceDock"]What is with you single player purists? It doesn't have to be intergrated into the story but the option would be nice. UnlceDockFrom all the games i played when coop comes in place, the main character loses a large dose of focus and the story is taking multiple steps back for the gameplay to be more fun with multiple players, same goes for the atmosphere, examples: resident evil 5, gears of war. Now example of games being better because of focusing on a single character, batman aa ofcourse and uncharted. Another example will be fear 3 in the future, you will see that as a coop its no longer scary or have that atmosphere and the story will dissapear and end up into yet another game that 2 characters run around and kill stuff rather the game having a deep emotional/story/atmospheric feeling or solo compaign. Hears the thing about that. I've played the uncharted 2 campaign once. It was great, I absolutely loved it, but I have yet to play it again. I've played the Gears of War 2 campaign about 10 times. Funny thing is I don't even consider the gears campaign to be better but coop just gives a game way more replayability. I agree that story often suffers because of coop... I'd say splinter cell conviction probably did it best by giving both. Had that game been single player only I wouldn't have wasted 60 bucks on it. I pay 50 bucks for live so I need games with coop to justify that. I love a great story too but I don't replay single player campaigns often so coop for me means the difference between a rental and a purchase. I am sorry but i dont see how that counters my point. We single player purists liked batman aa for the wa it told the story and you played as a single character and experiance the atmosphere and the moments, that alone made be replay the game multiple times, same with uncharted. You said its more fun to play coop with someone else, personally, i always thought that when i play with someone else the game atmosphere is getting scrapped for running around doing stupid things and lough about it. It kills the direction and atmosphere the game had. That did happen heavilly with resident evil 5 and turn the game into a action game with coop in comparison with what the first was. So yeah if batman goes coop, it will loose everything that the first stood for and turn into another action game. Thats the deal with us singleplayer purists. We appreciate a well made solo compaign more than a gimmick coop mode just for the shake of it which usually ruins the main story.
You know story about two that goes to different location. Like Batman watch as Joker's men is getting shipments from a warehouse. Batman sends two of his allies to find out about what is at the warehouse. In the single player Batman just send the two and later get some information.
I really hope that its coop this time around, even if its not integrated coop, this would be the perfect game to bring back the glory days of double dragon and tmnt. I've been hoping for a real next gen coop beat em up game for a very long time. But if they do integrate coop into the story I hope catwoman is not the second character. It should be nightwing.UnlceDock
Why does every game have to have co-op?
Would you have nightwing as another batman with a different skin? Or a character with a different move set? Having a different moveset also means that you're basically limiting both characters by assigning specific moves to each character when you can basically give one character the whole toolset. Also you might run into balancing problems if you try to make the game co-op based, like RE5 where the companion AI is simply not up to par.
[QUOTE="dakan45"][QUOTE="UnlceDock"]What is with you single player purists? It doesn't have to be intergrated into the story but the option would be nice. UnlceDockFrom all the games i played when coop comes in place, the main character loses a large dose of focus and the story is taking multiple steps back for the gameplay to be more fun with multiple players, same goes for the atmosphere, examples: resident evil 5, gears of war. Now example of games being better because of focusing on a single character, batman aa ofcourse and uncharted. Another example will be fear 3 in the future, you will see that as a coop its no longer scary or have that atmosphere and the story will dissapear and end up into yet another game that 2 characters run around and kill stuff rather the game having a deep emotional/story/atmospheric feeling or solo compaign. Hears the thing about that. I've played the uncharted 2 campaign once. It was great, I absolutely loved it, but I have yet to play it again. I've played the Gears of War 2 campaign about 10 times. Funny thing is I don't even consider the gears campaign to be better but coop just gives a game way more replayability. I agree that story often suffers because of coop... I'd say splinter cell conviction probably did it best by giving both. Had that game been single player only I wouldn't have wasted 60 bucks on it. I pay 50 bucks for live so I need games with coop to justify that. I love a great story too but I don't replay single player campaigns often so coop for me means the difference between a rental and a purchase.
Uncharted 2 has online co-op specifically for that purpose and it's incredibly fun, in the campaign you're not always fighting along side someone to begin with, you can't just force co-op in there, balancing-wise having another human player means you basicallyhave to tune the game all over again, your weapon placement, enemy AI all have to be retuned for co-op, it's not that simple and unless you have a different gameplay set-up for both SP and co-op, one of your modes is going to be unbalanced. RE5 is the poster-child of making a game co-op oriented and ended up hurting the SP experience.
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