I've been following the development of Deus Ex HR. Clearly, it won't be as good as the first one, but it's still
looking to be a pretty decent game.
But what's with all the whining from the fans? People are complaining about everything: the cover system, take down animations, third person view, etc.
Folks didn't like the object highlighting, so it was made into an option. This is all fine and well, even though highlighting makes total sense. After all, you're playing someone with advanced capabilities, so it stands to reason that your character has some way of assessing the environment without having to turn over every box or open every door, etc.
The thing is, though, where is this all supposed to end. Crowdsourced game development? Please everyone? Listen to the particular vocal minority of obsessive fans?
Games for me are like novels. I want to play the game as the developer intended it to be. I don't want a game designed by fans. You know the old saying: too many cooks spoil the broth.
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