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D2 and the original Soul Calibur are the two main reasons I keep my Dreamcast. It was also where I played House of the Dead 2 before the Wii version came out.
It looks like crap on a high definition television though, even with the component cables. So if you have a standard definition television set aside for it that would be good.
If you're getting a dreamcast then these are some games that you have to play
Sonic Adventure 1 & 2
Resident Evil 2, 3, & CV
Crazy Taxi
Chu Chu Rocket
Soul Calibur
Marvel vs Capcom
Toy Commander
Jet Grind Radio
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing
Zombie Revenge
Unreal Tournament
Power Stone 2
Rayman 2
Tony Hawk Games
and some sports games
Its an old system, so you should make sure you got a line on a lot of games, maybe a local store or website before you pay for it. Its definitely underrated, deserved more attention then it got.SPYDER0416Good suggestion, I made this mistake and was forced to E-bay, not the end of the world, but still annoying.
those and every other game. dreamcast was the best system i ever played. along with the awesome graphics for the time and games, the controller was my favorite ever. i recommend any game you can find.If you're getting a dreamcast then these are some games that you have to play
Sonic Adventure 1 & 2
Resident Evil 2, 3, & CV
Crazy Taxi
Chu Chu Rocket
Soul Calibur
Marvel vs Capcom
Toy Commander
Jet Grind Radio
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing
Zombie Revenge
Unreal Tournament
Power Stone 2
Rayman 2
Tony Hawk Games
and some sports games
Wasn't Dreamcast the most technically proficient console then? I mean, I heard it had the best graphics, but failed to continue on due to not being sold in some stores, or not being as well known.SPYDER0416
It didn't sell well because, of the Sega CD and Saturn. With that reputation people weren't stayig with Sega and it's consoles which led to the downfall. The Dreamcast was revolutionar, it was the first console to feature internet connection via a built in 56k modem. The VMU memory unit offered more interactivity in your games like in Resident Evil 2 it would tell you your condition as well as your remaining ammo so you wouldn't have to keep checking and in Sonic Adventure you could take the VMU out when your console is off and play minigames on the memory unit itself. The disks (I think they were called GCU) offered more space than the CD's the PS1 used and the cartridges of the N64.
The DC also didn't do well because, it became overshadowed by the PS2 and GC when it came out.
yah but cant you just burn the games nowadays so that i dont have to track them down?GatCloudXWe can't talk about that here. The bad thing about the DC is all the good games got ported to the GC and PS2 the rest are hard to find.
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