tough choice, but singleplayer would be mine.
multiplayer games are great, but they're ultimately designed to be repetitive in order to maintain some sort of balance; you generally know how things are going to go because if it doesn't, it means there is an advantage in favor of someone (and that is no fair). It's the competition and/or cooperation that makes multiplayer fun, and the human element of error, reflexes, strategy, and so forth. In other words, the non-game components make the game fun lol.
With singleplayer, it's not so much about balance but making a rich experience. I also tend to be motivated more by story or plot than by scoreboard or kill count.
It's funny because if you look at my play time over the last, I don't know, five years, you'll probably see that I have hundreds of hours in a small amount of multiplayer games (TF2, BF4 specifically), whereas I have hundreds of hours spent in many many singleplayer games.
Honestly the only singleplayer games I get upwards of a 100 hours into are city builders. Maybe occasionally a really good open-world RPG, but that's about it.
Anyway, TL;DR: singleplayer for me
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