Yesterday, it was announced that Konami would be publishing Six Days in Fallujah, a 3rd person shooter that would take place in the 2004 Iraq war battle for the mentioned town.
Opinions are divided about the setting and the timing of the game, considering that it is based, after all, in an ongoing war. Voices against the game have not taken too long to make themselves heard, as reported in this GamePolitics article.
Considering the enormous loss of life in the Iraq War, glorifying it in a video game demonstrates very poor judgement and bad taste... These horrific events should be confined to the annals of history, not trivialised and rendered for thrill-seekers to play out...It's entirely possible that Muslim families will buy the game, and for them it may prove particularly harrowing. Even worse, it could end up in the hands of a fanatical young Muslim and incite him to consider some form of retaliation or retribution...
I will be calling for this game to be banned, if not worldwide then certainly in the UK.
It's much too soon to start making video games about a war that's still going on, and an extremely flippant response to one of the most important events in modern history. It's particularly insensitive given what happened in Fallujah, and I will certainly oppose the release of this game.GamePolitics
Techradar also reports on this.
Konami vice president Anthony Crouts told the Wall Street Journal that his company was "not trying to make social commentary."Crouts continued: "We're not pro-war. We're not trying to make people feel uncomfortable. We just want to bring a compelling entertainment experience...At the end of the day, it's just a game."
But is it really 'just a game'?
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