Power ups in sonic did not come until the third game. The first two games had nothing but a blue shield. What different types of were in Sonic? Sonic ran and jumped. The power ups such as the lightning shield and the water added different ways to jump. The fire shield made Sonic shoot further than ever before. I guess you could say that levels such as Carnival Night and Casino Night gave a different spin on the Sonic formula. The thing is that you cannot go through the levels I mentioned with quick reflexes. In the Marble Zone for example. You have to push a block on top of a button or switch to raise the chandelier. It takes forever for it to come up. In the Hydro City level you have to stand on spinning platforms and jump up from one to the next. Those platforms move rather slow, so you cannot exactly use fast reflexes during this particular segment.
You mentioned more than one Sonic game, and even then, the first game had the invincible powerup as well, so your point is still invalid.Â
Airplane flight., snow bordering, pinball tables, etc. etc. Time travel etc.
You are isolating certain parts of the game, for the most part it's quick reflexes, you don't spend 4 hours pushing blocks, you need to do better than that. Same with spiining platforms, is that the whole level all of a sudden?
You claim that I isolate sections of levels trying to prove might point, but then you bring up snowboarding from Ice Cap zone. The snowboarding section lasts for 30 seconds at the most and there are no threats whatsoever during this period. The game pretty much plays itself until the player crashes. The airplane level with Tales is quite slow. This specific level might play differently than the rest of the game, but it also highlights the fact that the actual platforming aspect of Sonic is weaker to Mario. Time travel did not change the gameplay of Sonic, it changed the layout of the levels, but everything else stayed the same. If you want more isolated incidents of how levels in Sonic contradict is gameplay, the look look at any water section in any of its games. Sonic slows down drastically when he is in the water. Water is in levels such as Aquatic Ruin, Chemical Plant, Labyrinth Zone, Scrap Brain Zone, Hydro City, Ice Cap Zone, and others. It is impossible to move quickly in the sections of the game. One could argue that a player could avoid the lower pathway and just stick to the high ground, but Sonic's replayability comes from choosing different pathways through a level. Some of those pathways include going into water. Since the water sections are in contradiction with being fast or having fast reflexes, a person could argue that parts of the Sonic titles are broken to a degree. When all is said and done, there is only one conclusion to be drawn from all of this. Sonic is more shallow tha Mario  That is a fact, not an opinion.  Â
Mario had tighter controls and more diverse gameplay. You had the regular running and jumping. You had the swimming under water levels that controlled differently than on land. You also had puzzle platforming as well such as the ghost house levels and star world. To be fair, Sonic did have a few puzzle elements such as the third act in the Labyrinth Zone. You had to jump at the right time off the water slide to hit a switch in order to stop the loop. Another puzzle was present in Carnival Night during the second act when you had to hold up and down on the big red spinning platform in order to progress through the level.
Mario and Sonic are not comparable to one another aside from the fact that they are both platformers and mascots of companies. Sonic I would say has more in common with Donkey Kong Country. DKC plays faster than Mario and has a tendency to focus on fast gameplay by way of blasting barrels and being able to jump on bad guys continuously.Â
This 16 bit battle is quite stupid really. It all comes down to arcade style gameplay version home grown console style gameplay. Sega focused more on bringing the arcade experience into people homes while Nintendo built games with the sole purpose of them being played at home. This is why Nintendo's franchises were a bit more expansive than Sega's. Those who preferred sports games or quick bursts of fun will choose the Genesis while those who preferred more depth to their games will choose SNES. This is not to say that you cannot find both types of experiences on both consoles, but one company favors a particular style over another.
This is why the 16 bit era is the best one. People still can go back to this era and play the games as they are and still have fun. The same cannot be said for any other generation in gaming.Â
1. How does flying a plane somehow equate Sonics platforming is weaker to mario which was not even the point you amde last time in that section of your last reply?
2.Sonic does slow down underwater and you STILL need to have quick reflexes and adapt to the slower movement as there are many enemies, traps and obstacles. Sonis is not abotu running, it was about having quick reflexes to get through the level fast not zomming through the level holding right which in marios case has a few le vels where you can actually do that.
3.How is Sonic going in water a contradiction of fast reflexes? You still need fast reflexes underwater adpating to the sudden lack of full control. The point of Mario is jumping, why are you swimming? Using your logic Mario games that allow you to swim contradict themselves.
4.Tighter controls and more diverse gameplay? What do you mean tighter controls? Having more unrealistic control in the air? Slipping on things that aren't ice when you land? Random floatyness whuile jumping? Lack of physics?Â
5.You think Sonic is more comparable to Donkey KOng country than Mario? How?
6.You say the 16-bit battle was stupid but then say it was the best one and say that it's the only one where people will have fun with games as they are. when factually more people go back to playing 5th following 6th gen in second, and most people want upgrades to those 4th gen games.
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