@firefox59: There was nothing the invested me into the story. The reason why he lead his men into the first fight left me questioning him. At that point I did not care what happens to him and the game never gave me a reason to. It is bad when before I start to play that you make me feel uneasy about the main character. Come on game maker try to make me feel something about the character. I am nice when feeling for the character.
Then comes the part when you are looking through the infrared scope at the humvee pulling back on the bridge. You know the part that just does not look right with all the heat signature not acting like soldiers. I refused to fight. I pressed every button but the fire and the game did nothing. I knew you can not win a fire fight since I tried it before and the same for sneaking around. I played through the part again and then tried every button but for the fire button...again.
After I pressed the fire button and was force to walk through the remains, I knew what the story was. It is one of those message "story" that uses heavy handed tactics and symbolism to tell a "deep story" it wanted while not caring about good story telling. Good story telling can make one death feel like a thousand deaths. Spec Ops the Line, not only did it force you to do it but it also force you to walk through their remains. Even the Call of Duty games treat digital death with more respect. Spec Ops the Line does not do depth in a way the respect way. I can find depth done in a respectful way in many stories including Farcry 3, FFXIII, Inverted, and many more.
As for the part where you need to pick on of the two hanging people, I shot the snipers. By the way they can kill you and your teammate will attack and kill them.
The part that I start to have red flags is the part where you need to choose between letting the two men be executed or wait. I tried both way and both ended with a screw you. The problem I had was there was no real strong story telling up to the point and then they try to add that to the story with the creative angles and the like. Before that part, the story telling was on par with Quantum Theory's story telling. (Yes, I played and beat that game. If you want some spoiler then ask my about Inverted and I will tell you a good trick it pulled that left me shock and change the way I look at that story.) With only trying to put effort into some parts of the story, it was clear the game maker only wanted to do something with the story. That made me care less about the story.
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