1. SSX Tricky.
Best tracks by a long shot, Tokyo is absolutely incredible as a track and the tricks, characters and style of the game was the best compared to all 4.
2. SSX 3.
Literally played it for over 100 hours, however the tracks and tricks were not as good as Tricky.
3. SSX On Tour.
Best soundtrack out of all games, one of the best soundtracks of any non GTA game actually. However skiing was a useless addition and I didn't really like the overall style of the game, pretty bland tracks as well, especially compared to the colour and huge variety of tracks in Tricky
4. SSX
Only really played it for about 10 hours but still a good game. Does not compare well to it's sequels but at the time it was pretty amazing.
5. Blur
Never played it or really had an urge to buy it.
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