this poll is about panzer dragoon series vs star fox series, not panzer dragoon game vs star fox game. how someone can think star fox is more memorable than panzer dragoon I don´t understand.
maybe you're on to something there; Panzer Dragoon had a bigger impact on its system because it was one of the showpiece games, whereas overall, the SNES had such an impressive game library that StarFox didn't really hit me as a "must have game".....
not saying thats necessarily the case, but it might be for some people
Yeah, not to mention I never owned the first few Star fox titles. I played them at my friends house, and the first one I ever owned was the Gamecube entry, which I enjoyed a lot however. It never grabbed me and made me think it was a must-have title, but once I fired up Panzer Dragoon I was hooked!
Which Gamecube entry could be a big reason why. Star Fox: Adventure isn't truly a Star Fox game. It is made by Rare, but it was originally supposed to be an entirely different game. Last minute, Nintendo decided to slap the Star Fox license on it and that's Star Fox: Adventure. Star Fox: Assault is the true Star Fox respresentation on Gamecube.
I think that was it, Star Fox Adventure. Fun, but nothing extreme.
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