The PS3 edition is odd, from what I could gather from other sources they were talking about the EU version being delayed for whatever reason, and Midway is still claiming mid-Sept for the PS3. So, I don't know, nor do I care as I'll have a lot of other games to hold me over for the rest of the year. They could delay the thing to February and I probably wouldn't mind. Still, this is a game I paid no attention to prior to about E3, then the impressions of the game suddenly made me anticipate it. Still waiting for a PS3 demo, though.
Also, only thelimited edition of the PS3 version has Hard Boiled on the disc, which obviously costs you an extra $10 and in this case is actually limited to a set amount sold due to an agreement with the company that owns the movie's rights. Still, $10 for a HD movie isn't a bad deal at this point, and that alone makes it far better than pretty much every other collector's edition out there. What would you rather have, an HD movie the game is based off of, or a $2 plastic helmet?
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