I don't like turn-based RPGs because for me it's stupid if you can't move around during battles.
I don't like games that are too linear because you can't explore the world. Those games that are simply from point A (beginning) to point B (final boss). All you have to do is follow the path. God of War series, MGS series, and RE4 are the only games like this that I like.
I don't like games were you can only walk on paths when outdoors.
I don't really enjoy games were you can't move the camera using the right analog stick.
I don't like FPS because there's not much story and exploration.
I don't like games were savepoints are far from each other.
I don't like MMORPG because all you do is level up. No story, cutscenes, etc. And it's also a social life killer and you pay monthly dues or purchase a card to be able to play.
I don't like PC games because you have to install games in order to play and you have to upgrade the PC once in a while. Waste of money. Too many games = space eater. Uninstall a game = goodbye save files. And for me all genres are difficult to play in PC except FPS and Red Alert style (RTS right?).
I don't like games that are too realistic (gameplay and graphics). I reason why I play games is to take a break from reality. And IMO games should appear like a game. This is the reason why I'm disappointed w/ GTA IV, and I prefer PS2's graphics than PS3's.
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