Yep, on the same system as FFVII-IX and other notable RPGs...the highly underrated Suikoden II beats them all. X-Play recently had Suikoden II on its list of top 5 Must Play RPGs (along with FFVI, Oblivion, Mass Effect, and Chrono Trigger) and they aren't kidding, its a must play. On all fronts, gameplay, story, and graphics/ delivers. The gameplay reminds me of Chrono Trigger, with its combo attacks, but there is 108 characters (70+ party members) so each playthrough is a different expierence with different teams you can use. Almost every character has a different personality and strengths and weaknesses. For example, you have your tanks, your mages, your archers, your high attack low defense fighters, your pets, and some goofy characters. One character starts the battle asleep but once awoken, becomes a force. Another is a powerful mage that has her spells backfire from time to time (Viki). Some characters join at Level 99. All have their distinctive qualities. Battle itself is quick paced, because everyone takes their turn at once (almost) and you can always let weaker enemies go. The leveling system prevents grinding and lets you to mix up your characters as they level up quickly to the level on the area. Gameplay is nearly perfect, like Chrono Trigger's.
The game's storyline is annihilates everything on the PSX and maybe every RPG afterward. The narrative easily beats the highly overrated FFVII, the decent FFVIII, and the really good FFIX and Tactics. It is much better than the convoluted Xenogears and the completely confusing Chrono Cross. The story is simply better and much more meaningful. It is never pretentious, never confusing,and almost every moment is meaningful. No metaphysical messes, just a damn good human story (the metaphysical element reflects the human element, especially the runes the characters have). As for the characters, they are outstanding, especially the mains. The main four characters, Riou (the hero), Jowy (his best friend), Nanami (hero's sister), and little Pilika (a child tragically caught up in the war and taken care of by the heroes)are all outstanding and easy to connect to. The supporting characters, Viktor, Flik (both from the first game), and the circus group, are also outstanding. Now for the Luca Blight, one of the most heinous RPG villains ever. His evilness and cruelty rivals Kefka's. He commits many atrocities (including killing children and wiping out whole cities). His boss battle and downfall is one of the most incredible scenes ever in a video game. And he isn't the main antagonist. Then the game has its share of sympathetic anatgonists, Colgan, Seed, Lucia, Kiba, Klaus, Han, and some others (not the coward Rowd). These characters maybe even be good guys, just sowrn to the enemy faction through duty or other reasons. There are a couple major character kills in the game (some depend on if you collected all 108 Stars of Destiny) which are sad. One potential character kill is even made much more meaningful than that flower girl who was poked by that overrated white haired villain with the ridicoulous long sword. As for the plot itself, it rarely goes of track (and when it does, the story still stays meaningful, like the Sindar Ruins quest). The plot is basically about friendship torn apart by war and bonds broken, as well as the effects of war has on everyone involved. I like how it delivers its message about war, war may be necessary in some cases, but it is still a tragic occurance no matter the justifications and reasons. This is the most meaningful human story since FFVI....
And this game pays homage to FFVI (haha Flik looks like Locke), Chrono Trigger, and the other 16 bit takes their style and renders it in a 32 bit presentation. The art is not fancy just consistant and the soundtrack is excellent. This game is what every RPG fan should play, although it is rare and expensive now. It is that good, and while Suikoden III for the PS2 is not as good as II, it is a must play as well.
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