[QUOTE="QuebecSuperstar"]There is no such thing as a ONE Best Game of All Time. Everybody's opinion is different. There will never be a universal consensus on anything so "the best" can only be applied on an individual level.
My personal favourite is Goldeneye 007.
there's not a 'universal' consensus, but there is some consensus. games that have popped up more than others include titles like 'zelda 64', 'mario 64' and 'goldeneye'.also, what about insincere opinion? does it count if i say i think the game 'bmx xxx' is the best game ever?
and if there should be no consensus on 'best game ever', why is there almost always more a consensus on the 'worst game ever' threads, which 'superman 64' seems to win?
Well then I suppose we would have to talk about a Top 10 (for example) Best Games concensus (but even then, it couldn't apply to the entire gaming community). But the thread is about THE ONE Best Game of all Time, which of course will be different for everybody.
If for whatever reason you would come to believe that BMX XXX is indeed the best game ever made, what would have anybody say about it? Even if you were the only person on the planet to think that way, your opinion (if sincere) would still be valid.
Again, there's no general concensus on what the worst game is. I searched "worst games" on Google and none of the sites I clicked had the same listing, let alone Superman 64 in their first position. For some, the worst game is ET, for another it was a game called Irritating Stick (?) and I also saw Big Rigs in another listing.
That just goes to say that while some games seem to pop up more than other in people's top, the entire gaming community will never agree on THE best game or THE worst game.
But hey, you have the right not to agree with me ;)
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