Man I was on the water world in Super Mario 3, almost got past it, but I lost all my lives, so I gave up. Then I decided to revist and beat it this time, but the spot that had the file was blank:o. I spent so much time:cry: Why?
Same with my legend of zelda snes cartridge, whats the point of this game if it is just going to not work anymore once you turn it off. Maybe when you unplug the adaptor it does something, or when you use another cartridge. Same thing happened to my super mario world, I was out of the mysterious woods, and then suddenly I need to do it all over again. But my DKC game never had this problem....
What I like about the sega genesis, is the games are short and sweet, so every time you play, it is designed to be high quality for a short ammount of time, and you dont have to worry about this stuff. But the snes games are longer, most of it though is just repeats of the same thing with small variations.
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