I really don't think this should be debatable. The Tales games have always been somewhat mediocre, especially when put up against all the wonderful Final Fantasy games.
I mean, Tales of Phantasia and Tales of Symphonia were really great games, and I found myself being wholly immersed in the plot. I also found that there was quite a bit of character development, and even though there is a lot of the stereotypical rpg/anime type personalities (and other standard rpg conventions), I enjoyed it very much (though I haven't played that many rpg's, and I'm sure if I had then the Tales games would wear thin on me)
However, playing Tales of Eternia and Tales of Destiny made me want to break the games in half out of frustration from how bland and boring they were. I still have yet to play Tales of Legendia and Tales of the Abyss, so I can't say I have the full scope of all the Tales games. But I can say I really hate Namco Bandai for putting Tales of Versperia only on the 360, and that they keep all the Tales games for the DS Japan only. Grrr... :evil:
As for Final Fantasy... well, FF 3 on the DS was really the only one I didn't like, but that only tells me I don't like the incredibly old school battle grinding. The rest of the Final Fantasies were all magical in their own way, and each made me afraid to play another game for fear of making unjust comparisons between them. I still need to play FF 12 though; I'm waiting to make it my very last game for the ps2 before moving on to FF 13 and the ps3.
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