Actually, I also enjoyed Infinite Undiscovery. :oops:
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Tenchu Z and Shadowrun are beloved gems in my collection. Nobody seemed to enjoy either.donalbaneI absolutely fricken loved Shadowrun, too! I don't know why people didn't like it. A lot of my friends said it felt too busy, but I don't really understand that.
Twisted Metal 3: Loved it ! In terms of gameplay it was awesome but on characters and story side it was ridiculously bad !
Resident evil outbreak 1 & 2: The loadings are slow but the gameplay i thought it was really fun.
Clock Tower: It was really scary and intense.
Final Fight Streetwise: It had a really good nostalgia factor to me and it was good to see a beat'em up going back to basics.
I loved Dante's Inferno. It's the 1st game in recent memory that I immediately wanted to go back and play through as soon as I beat it.
I remember XIII got mixed reception, but I really liked that game at the time. It was actually a pretty cool game.
There were definitely some cool things with the game, but I couldn't make it post the snow area when I was playing it.I remember XIII got mixed reception, but I really liked that game at the time. It was actually a pretty cool game.
Hehe I agree withGreyfeld. No one liked FFX-2 but I loved it, the gameplay was awesome and it was a very solid FF imo :? :D
I have to say that the Bourne Conspiracy was very underrated. The takedowns were awesome and the levels more than made up for it's other flaws. I dare say it deserves a sequel.
Since FFX-2 is being discussed, I have to say that I thought that was horrible. :P The battle system was good (though it took too long to switch outfits or whatever), but the story, villains and mission-based gameplay all bored the hell out of me, and I actually liked the two returning characters less than I did in FFX (I was never a big fan).
Lol no offense, but if you didn't even like the original game, it's easy to take your thoughts with a grain of salt ;)
No worries, but just to clarify, I did like FFX, I was saying I was 'never a big fan' of the two returning characters (I wouldn't have got X-2 if I didn't like X :P). I can appreciate that people liked X-2, but for me personally I found it painful to go through.
I loved Mirror's edge and Bullet Witch. I didn't know people hated mirrors edge so much, but i thought that game was awesome. Bullet Witch was a game no one seemed to like and you can probably find it in any bargain bin in the back of a game store but that game was really under appreciated.
Gothic 3 (ok it had some problems at first, but the most recent community patch is AWESOME)
Two Worlds (It was pretty fun, I liked the game overall on pc, but many people brutally hate the game, it wasn't very good on x360 though)
Ninety Nine Nights (Wait that game did suck, nvm)
Red Steel (Not as good as I had hoped going in, but still pretty good, lots of hate probably based on the hype falling short)
Mirror's Edge (not long, but very fun, worth the 5 bucks I paid (pc version))
Mount and Blade (best game ever, no question)
Dark Messiah Might and Magic (pc version was awesome I thought but not very well received, best combat in any game I've played)
Jade Empire (pc version was lots of fun, and review scores were ok, but many players didn't like it. One of my favorite Bioware games)
Neverwinter Nights 2 (lots of glitches and bugs at first, but ended up a very fun and deep rpg
Risen (decent reviews, but I loved the game, perfect setting, great story, long game and fun combat. only problem was not large enough map imo)
[QUOTE="bachilders"]Dark Messiah Might and Magic (pc version was awesome I thought but not very well received, best combat in any game I've played) Jade Empire (pc version was lots of fun, and review scores were ok, but many players didn't like it. One of my favorite Bioware games)muthsera666Dark Messiah was awesome. I loved that game. Unfortunately, I never got to finish it. Jade Empire got a lot of good reviews, I thought. It was a great game, though.
Actually I think most people who played Jade Empire loved it... Definitely not hated / terrible, maybe underrated is a better word? I love it too, bro. I really hope they announce a sequel.
I think Mirror's Edge was way too underrated. That game's freaking fun and is probably one of my favorite games of all time.SnowxWhitei'd like to give this a negative kidding.
I guess I enjoyed both of the True Crime games more than I should have, according to the review scores. That said I will probably get True Crime Hong Kong...SoNin360I haven't played the second one yet, but I had a great time playing the first one. It was one of the few games that I've managed to stick with the whole way to the end.
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