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I'd have to say WoW. It's unfair to compare it to normal single-player RPGs I guess, but it is a game. It's literally like another world, albeit a virtual one. Nowadays it seems pretty empty most of the time (due to everyone queuing up in major cities and standing there), but back in the day it was amazing. Not only are there NPCs scattered throughout the world, but real players as well can be found all over the place, doing quests or fighting other players (that's how it used to be at least). A lot of areas had their own unique flair to them, which made them stand out and be very memorable.
I think Fallout 3 is definetly up there too. I'm not a big fan of RPGs, but I really liked this game. The environment and world that you played in really helped me think I was in an apocalyptic wasteland. I remember seeing the world for the first time after escaping the vault, and thinking, "Woah, this looks great."
Second Life maybe? I've never tryed it but I've heard you can really have a second life within the game and some people make a lot of money on there.
Don't know if you would really count it as a game though...
I think mass effect.dkdk999
The thing about Mass Effect is that it has an awesome setting, backstory, lore, etc. but it seems like you can't even interact with half of the characters, and there are so many innacessible areas. The game ends up being pretty linear even though it is an "RPG." If they made it so you could interact with a lot more characters and weren't forced down a specific path tog et to your objective, I think it would be a lot better.
[QUOTE="dkdk999"]I think mass effect.SilentSoprano
The thing about Mass Effect is that it has an awesome setting, backstory, lore, etc. but it seems like you can't even interact with half of the characters, and there are so many innacessible areas. The game ends up being pretty linear even though it is an "RPG." If they made it so you could interact with a lot more characters and weren't forced down a specific path tog et to your objective, I think it would be a lot better.
ya I completely agree. to me games like oblivion and fallout have the opposite problem. They are hugely open worlds that you can just explore, however imho they just aren't that interesting. I guess we need a combination of the two.Azeroth, Northrend & Outlands make for an amazing game world in WoW. Fable 1+2 also have great game worlds with superb towns. It's been awhile since I've played SotC, but I remember the game world being very impressive as well. I love game worlds that are very intricate & detailed with areas that you can become familiar with & feel comfortable in. I have a feeling that "The Witness" will be one such game.
I really like the games worlds in games like LoZ: OoT & MM (yet to play Wind Waker & Twilight Princess) & NIER. They have a few zones that feature prominently within the game (as well as dungeons) & are places you become really familiar with & enjoy spending time in. I also really liked Braid.. I loved how the worlds were all connected by the cozy house.
Oh, & the worlds that can be generated in Minecraft!
Very interesting question. I love it.
Rather odd choice here, but one game that actually comes immediately to mind is Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon. That game had one of the most awesome atmospheres in any game, and it pulled off a world really, really well in which almost the enitre population of the world vanished overnight. That was easily one of the most unique game I played, and I think a large portion of my enjoyment thereof came from the presentation of its world.
Another one I have to give a shout-out to is Mass Effect. While it's true what was said above that you hardly interact with any of it, the sheer detail, research, and thought that has gone into the world through descriptions, codices, and so forth just makes it seem downright real, and as though the technology described therein ought to already exist. You don't interact with it, certainly, but the world itself was just made impeccably well.
I have to say it's ether Mass Effect or The Witcher, once you read the books and play The Witcher it opens a lot of detail to the world Geralt is in.
For me its Oblivion, the worlds are so vibrant and it always felt like the map was well used i.e. not too many large areas with no towns/dungeons etc.
I also thought Spira from FFX was pretty awesome.
Morrowind just for the variety (A game where processor saving fog actually added to the experience)
I have to say nay to Oblivion since... There was nothing special to it honestly.
Freespace 2 though... flying along a capital ship that is too scale and smurfs your tiny little fighter really helped immerse you in the moment.
WoW, still loving that game, ever sense it started, but its true what they are saying, that was back in the old days, when players dident just stand around the city and was doing nothing, Mass effect, awesome game! and oblivion, loved the open world map, and that you do so many diffrent things in the game
I do want to read the books. But I agree.I have to say it's ether Mass Effect or The Witcher, once you read the books and play The Witcher it opens a lot of detail to the world Geralt is in.
I also liked Termina in Majora's Mask.
Edit* Tallon IV was the most immersive IMO.
The only game world I ever remember having that kind of effect on me was the world of Final Fantasy VII. It's probably not as impressive anymore compared to some of the game worlds of today, but in its time, FFVII's massive game world (with tons of places, sidequests, and minigames) pretty much dwarfed nearly every other game world that came before it.
Tallon IV in Metroid Prime. The level of detail in this game is amazing. The world feels alive, the creatures arn't just enimes to kill but they feel native. If you want to know about something you can scan and read about it. One of the best thought out and and realised environments in game history I think.
Brutal Legend. Simply the coolest looking game world I've ever seen.
To name a few of the things that made the world of Brutal Legend awesome:
Just Cause 2; mainly because of the huge size of the map.
Playing through this right now, and I've got the admit the game's sheer size and environmental diversity make it a real treat. I've wasted so much time just hijacking cars, driving around, and paruchuting to and from places. I've only completed 10% of the game according to my save file, but I've logged somewhere north of 15 hours into it already.
Termina in LoZ:MM
I second that notion. One of the few gameworlds that have the benefit of truly feeling alive.
Also, man, I love your sig. George Costanza is awesome.
Half-Life 2 has the best game world IMO... All the locations in the game are awesome but Ravenholm stands out (and is one of the best, if not the best, level in a game I've played).
My other favourite is Rapture. You haven't experienced a truely epic game world until you've played Bioshock.
HL is a rly good game! rly enjoyed all the messed up "zombies" in that game xD
oooh yea bioshock, how could i forget that one myself, hahaha!
keep adding new games all the time...
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