An interesting perspective of the ongoing (and close to an end, it would seem) format war. A few choice cuts:
Blu-ray, always the favourite to win but never seemingly having the momentum to fully outpace its rival, has finally started to pull ahead in a meaningful way. The finish line is in sight.
The fact is that Microsoft's involvement with HD-DVD has very little to do with any real interest in who wins the DVD standards war.
Microsoft believes in digital distribution. It believes, fervently, that the hour has come for content to be transmitted to consumers over the network, rather than on a piece of physical media.
To put it bluntly, Microsoft wants both Blu-ray and HD-DVD to fail. If either format becomes dominant and securely established, it will provide an attractive option to consumers still not quite ready to commit to a media future with no physical products.
The question at this point is not whether Blu-ray will triumph over HD-DVD, however. Instead, the question is whether Microsoft's meddling in the market (and the fortuitous, from its perspective, problems which Sony suffered with Blu-ray throughout 2006) has done enough to seed fear, uncertainty and doubt in consumers' minds about HD disc formats.
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