Ok so I got a funny story to tell you, but first this thread is about those crazy things you did when you got excited you were going to get a new game....or to get a new game.
For me it was when Final Fantasy VIII came out. I waited a good couple of years for it and even was able to get ouf of school early thanks to having good grades. I was a young Sixteen year old excited and upon entering the mall where the Software Etc was(Its still there, just now its a gamestop), I rushed into the mall and there was a kid walking about my age. He was headed into the game stop, but because they had just gotten their copies in, I wanted to get mine first. So I shoved the kid out of the so I could get into the Software Etc, and got my copy first. He was pretty pissed but I walked out with my brand new copy of FFVIII in hand and ignored his insults as I gawked at the cover. None the less, I would not do that now, but being an immature 16 yearold I would do anything for a game in those days.
So what about you guys, do anything crazy like this to get your game first or get a game? Or something crazier?
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