here's the link
This article is pathetic. It talks about teens and violence. Yet it references 12 yr olds. All violent video games are rated Mature. Why do they try to make a point about kids who aren't old enough to play them. Plus the article makes a point in covering the medias own arse. If you notice there is no place to comment or not recommend the article.
Why must there be this constant barrage on video game violence. The article never mentions why the parents allow their kids to play these games. Even if the study proves that the violence carries over, well duh. THIS IS WHY KIDS AREN"T SUPPOSED TO PLAY MATURE GAMES. We already know this. That's why there is a rating system. Why do they feel the need to reiterate info we already know.
What do you think about the the Medias constant attack. They aren't even trying anymore. It's about time they find out the actual age demographic of said "violent video games". As always, thank you for you time.
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