Ok, so I played CT way back when Final Fantasy Chronicles was brand-new on the PSX, I think it was 2001~ish, and I recall how I played it purely to see what the fuss was about (played Cross before it so I was curious), which in turn made me beat it with a Gameshark.
Now I got it on the DS and I was hoping I could play it/beat it the right way this time around, but what turned me off is that friends of mine told me how no matter what they do they can't seem to level-up high enough to face Lavos in the end (even with most sidequests done and the Masamune acquired).
So yeah, what's your take on this? Is the game really that much demanding grind-wise to buff up your characters?
NOTE: please keep story spoilers to a minimum, I've forgotten most of the plot and I'd lke to re-experience it myself.
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