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None of these games are really that messed up, or twisted but most of them you've listed are really good games. I love the condemed series, the silent hills, R.E. and manhunt 1. But looking into sick games, the sickets one i found was Rapelay. You may have heard of it but playing this **** made me feel really uncomfortable, and its really like a Hentai Game. You stalk three girls total, one at a time and each girl has two parts. The first part you pretty much molest the girl in a bus or alley way or something and after your progression bar fills you get into part 2 which is actually rapeing the girl. Playing this **** made me hate the world and everyone living on it for a day. Especially me for playing this garbage. veryhoudiniStop necroing.
I guess Conker's Bad Fur Day is pretty twisted, Silent Hill 2 was the most disturbing (Mannequins anyone) and probably the most sick one that comes to mind, other than that, I'd stick Majora's Mask in somewhere too, but only because it was a depressing game on a Nintendo system. I would say Clock Tower, but Scisor midget and several other aspects of the game were more amusing than they were scary or disturbing, much like Eternal Darkness.
In order:
1. Silent Hill - the scariest game ever made, period. It's like playing an interactive nightmare. The story didn't make much sense, but nightmares don't have to be logical to be horrifying...
2. Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth - Freakiest game ever released on Xbox. This amazing game contains some of the most disturbing moments I've ever seen in a videogame. Unforgettable.
3. Manhunt - Disgusting, sick, depraved, yet strangely addictive. Very gratuitous violence and a mean tone make this one of the most disturbing games ever made.
4. Condemned 1 & 2 - Not all that scary to me, but these games do creep up on you. Seedy, hellish, dark environments and visceral combat make the Condemned series worthy of inclusion into the list of the most disturbing, sick games.....
Great choices there -- glad someone other than myself played Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth ( I just started a new round of that one on xbox a couple nights ago... still creeps me out)Almost no one has ehard of it, and I am about to start playing it so I can't really say, but Theresia: Dear Emile on DS is supposed to be ridiculously twisted and disturbing, story wise. Most of the onscreen violence is usually just a body I beleive.
As far as onscreen stuff goes, I qould say the Dead Space games. They are so ridiculously bloody and gory.
And I feel the two recent Batman games get attention, not because of their violence, but because of some of the implied violence. Like people being burned alive in 400 degree ovens, stuff like that, especially in Arkham City.
I always answer Majora's Mask, but after playing Dark Souls I think I'm going to go with that. For a game to be disturbing to me, it can't rely on just shock value. It has to leave a lasting impression of something dark in my head, and thats exactly what those two game did to me.BadNewsBen
Majora's Mask is pretty dark and twisted, but there is little that's disturbing about the game, to me. It's more jsut unsettling and sad than disturbing. Granted, there are some disturbing parts, like the Happy Mask Salesman freaking out. But, really, it's more just an unsettling and sad game than disturbing.
IMO, of course. I love the game to death.
Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare. I have never been more freaked out.
You haven't played many horror games, have you?
Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare. I have never been more freaked out.
You haven't played many horror games, have you?
I'm guessing not :PDisturbing for me? I particularly enjoyed Galerians, although it didn't freak me out too much. I remember playing that years ago after RE 2 or 3 hit shelves - and it was quite possibly the best horror survival game with tank controls imo. Psychward staff having their brains explode alluva sudden was just great, until you soon realize it was because your status was worsening -_-
I'd say the Manhunt games. Just watching the gameplay makes my stomach turn. The Punisher game was also pretty gruesome but not as bad.
Old thread is old.
But I guess I'll say some of the stuff in Silent Hill 2 was just plain f***ed up, especially Angela's backstory. The Abstract Daddy enemy is literally a walking rape representation. Also, the infamous introduction of Pyramid Head raping and killing the double-legged mannequins. Much of the symbolism of the enemy and character design is based on sexual frustration and acting out violently towards it. Apparently an early version had even worse stuff in it that was taken out due to extremely negative focus group reactions (one such being finding a fetus in a microwave).
Silent Hill 3 was pretty heavy on the sexual violence and imagery as well. Valtiel restraining a red nurse and performing oral on it, the God fetus oral abortion and subsequent oral ingestation (wut), the Split Worm being a blatant depiction of intercourse, Numb Bodies being a stillborn fetus with legs...yep. Vote goes to Silent Hill 2 and 3.
[QUOTE="TheBlackKnight3"]I didn't because its not even close to being disturbing, and if you think it is you probably haven't played very many M rated video games. Look at this clip from Twisted Metal Black. Very messed up. In fact so was that entire game. That actually was not that bad. Kind of freaky, but not too bad....And no one even THINKS of Grand Theft Auto.
some japanese made pit fighting type game, can't remember the name
when you defeated your female opponent you'd then do a kind of rape/brutalize/kill finisher on them
yeah, naturally wasn't released in the west.
The storylines of each driver in Twisted Metal: Black. How this game was practically overlooked is beyond me.TM_Darkside
I came in here to post the exact same thing. That game was disturbing, but that is a great deal of why I loved it more than previous Twisted Metal games. Each driver just had an extremely sick and TWISTED (METAL) story.
lol You should hear about some of the stuff that didn't make it into the game because Sony wouldn't allow it. Crazy stuff. For me it's easily the most disturbing game while also being an awesome game as well.
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