This is why the N64 was the best system of that generation.
Wave Race - Even though it is only 2 players, it required enough skill and finesse(riding someones tail, showboating with tricks, or rubbing the opponent in the right way could sent them off kilter) that races were still pretty heated.
Goldeneye - For obvious reasons. One thing we didn't like was the damage factor. Everyone that I played with hated that a shot to the head did not take them down in one shot. Setting the damage to -4 (I believe it was) fixed this.
Turok 2 - Though not as great as Goldeneye, it was a good change of pace.
Perfect Dark - It's debatable if it is a better experience than Goldeneye. I lean towards no, because with 4 people playing, the game didn't perform as well. Though I do go back and forth, because even by todays standards, the options were ridiculously high. 2 players could have a blast going up against X amount of Dark Agents.
Wayne Gretsky 64 - Often overlooked, it is still one of the best arcade style hockey games around.
NBA Hangtime - Same deal as WG64.
NFL Blitz - Same deal, again. You know, having 4 controller ports was just the best decision out there.
Bomberman - Can't go wrong here.
Super Smash Bros. - To this day, the best Smash Bros. game released. Each sequel has been dummied down somewhat.
Star Fox 64 - I haven't played this one in a long long time, but I remember having a good time with it.
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