Facr Cry 2 was 60$ wasted =(
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I actually liked Mirror's edge, I played it on the PC but I kinda get what you're saying. I really liked the art design of the game because it's so iconic. Very few games can pull that off... to the point where say, if you saw a random screenshot of a level you'd know exactly what game it was from.Mirror's Edge.
Honestly, the most self-indulgent piece of crap to come out the backside of 2008. It's mostly a case of the game being pretentious beyond belief - the dialogue, the cutscenes, the story, the art style, the theme tune... it just wasn't something I attached to like a lot of other people did.
The game is horribly frustrating to play as well. The controls to pull off some of the more complex moves are too fiddly for my liking. The level design also doesn't owe itself well to one of the basic concepts of the game: speed. Pits of doom, tricky hallways full of acrobatics and tight corridors do nothing to show off the excellent sense of inertia that the game can produce. It's a real shame, as I could sense some potential gleaming through the muddy soup that was Mirror's Edge.
Honorable mentions: -Braid (AMAZING GAME, but it's so short, the price tag is almost criminal) -Far Cry 2 (Way, way too much driving ruins an otherwise decent shooter)bulletsword
People, if you KNOW you won`t like a game because of it`s extremely obvious elements, then why buy it:question:
I unlike other people, throughly enjoyed the game (loving the sandbox gameplay), and the user made maps (and multiplayer altogether) was a smash hit (I also made one of the best maps on PSN :P). Also, it looked* truly beautiful in certain areas of the game (go to the airfield at 8am or near sundown to see what I`m talking about).
*Looked, cause my cousin had an hdtv, not me.Probably Guild Wars. I just couldn't get into gameplay style. Maybe it would have helped to have friends playing along with me.
by consoles - ill also include games for older consoles that i bought during this gen
nes-the little mermaid- ugh
snes-the madden games
n64-the last game i bought lol was wipe out
gc-crazy taxi
xbox-tc splinter cell
wii -alien syndromn
ps1-tomb raider 3
ps2-psi ops
saturn-none-i only own 4 and i like all 4
dc-ecw hard croe revolution
cd -none i only own 2 of those lol
genesis-comix zone
atari 2600 -street race
gb only have my fav game so n/'a
gbc-perfect dark
psp-ridge racer is the worst i have for psp and thats a good game though
gamegear=home alone2
Umm I have a small list
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