not really but with the exception of ninja turtles and mega man and few others but they are quitefew, i hate childish games like those on ds. i hate puzzle and platformers
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not really but with the exception of ninja turtles and mega man and few others but they are quitefew, i hate childish games like those on ds. i hate puzzle and platformers
I'd say Gears of War is more of a childish game than say Donkey Kong Country Returns. It is like saying Tokyo Gore Police is a more "mature" film than something by Pixar. Just because something looks "kiddie" doesn't mean it is probably going to be enjoyed to a deeper level by adults than children.
I just turned 24 a few days ago, and my girlfriend bought me Kirby's Epic Yarn for my birthday/Christmas. And I couldn't be happier. My parents got me Fallout: New Vegas, and I also couldn't be happier. Being an adult means you can appreciate the simpler things in life without having to concentrate on trying to be "mature."
Just because something looks "kiddie" doesn't mean it is probably going to be enjoyed to a deeper level by adults than children.foxhound_foxAnd we're back at Pixar... ;)
not really but with the exception of ninja turtles and mega man and few others but they are quitefew, i hate childish games like those on ds. i hate puzzle and platformers
I'm 30 and I just bought a Nintendo DS and Super Mario Brothers.
So...that'd be a "yes".
but then again, I find videogames in general (even the "Mature" games) to usually be pretty ****ing childish in the first place. At least with a game that's DELIBERATELY childish like Super Mario Bros, it's not as awkward when you get to the childish parts. By contrast, I played Metal Gear Solid 4, and it was absolutely cringe-inducing. Not because it was childish, but because it was childish while seemingly trying to take itself seriously.
I'd say Gears of War is more of a childish game than say Donkey Kong Country Returns. It is like saying Tokyo Gore Police is a more "mature" film than something by Pixar. Just because something looks "kiddie" doesn't mean it is probably going to be enjoyed to a deeper level by adults than children.
I just turned 24 a few days ago, and my girlfriend bought me Kirby's Epic Yarn for my birthday/Christmas. And I couldn't be happier. My parents got me Fallout: New Vegas, and I also couldn't be happier. Being an adult means you can appreciate the simpler things in life without having to concentrate on trying to be "mature."foxhound_fox
More to the point...a lot of the "mature" content in videogames seems deliberately marketted towards "immature" people. Case in point, the sex minigames in the God of War series. Sure...that gets rated "mature" because it shows nudity and implies sex. But it's really "mature" in the same way that comic books only make women dress like DDD-breasted hookers because they're assuming that their audience is comprised of young boys who are too young to get their hands on real porn.
Again...I'm not speaking about all videogames. But in a hell of a lot of "mature" videogames, violence and sex are treating in a VERY "imature" manner. And often ends up essentially being Pornography for Kids.
And I've never played Gears Of War or Donkey Kong Country Returns. But I have seen The Neverending Story and Sin City. One was a "kids movie", one was a "movie for adults". And yet...the kids movie seemed to be by far the more "mature" (conceptually) of the two being compared. So yeah...I think I see where you're going with this and I agree.
If I didn't play Super Mario Galaxy 2 because it was "kiddie" I would have missed out on the most imppessive and creative video game experience I have had since I can remember. I'm 22... Let's get that good ol' C.S. Lewis quote in here
"Critics who treat adult as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."
Only in people's minds is something like Mario "childish." Any age can enjoy it.
Just out of curiosity, what is YOUR standard for being "childish"?
When it comes to games, I've never was forced to think about it until now when you asked. I just bought what I liked and didn't give a hoot about what others considered the game or genre.If you are referring Mario or Kirby as childish games, I'm afraid that is no different from calling Pixar movies kiddy movie.funsohng
I'll admit to not being terribly familiar with either Mario or Pixar.
But from the little that I have seen, Pixar tries to make storytelling a BIG focus for them, while Mario games usually have nothing going for them other than just being "fun".
From the little that I've seen, Pixar movies seem to emphasize actual characters, while stuff like Mario games generally don't do any of that stuff.
Again...I haven't playd many Mario games or watched many Pixar movies. I'm just saying that...if current mature storytelling were to be rated on a scale of 1-10, then most people I've talked to seem to agree that Pixar's movies would rank at least a 6, while Mario games would rank AT BEST a 2.
If you mean the really childish stuff like animated movie-tie ins.. no. I do play the games you seem to be talking about.
i'm not over 25 though, I'm 24.
Only in people's minds is something like Mario "childish." Any age can enjoy it.
Just out of curiosity, what is YOUR standard for being "childish"?
When it comes to games, I've never was forced to think about it until now when you asked. I just bought what I liked and didn't give a hoot about what others considered the game or genre.I find that hard to believe.
I one's FORCING you to think about it. But if you actually play games, I find it VERY surprising that you've never played games and then simply happened to NOTICE how shallow and childish they are.
I actually DO play videogames, right?
Nope. I'm a big boy, I play big boy games. I don't play hand-helds, the Wii, Kinect or Move, either.
I'm not going to buy into these silly fads.
When it comes to games, I've never was forced to think about it until now when you asked. I just bought what I liked and didn't give a hoot about what others considered the game or genre.[QUOTE="Calvin079"]
Just out of curiosity, what is YOUR standard for being "childish"?
I find that hard to believe.
I one's FORCING you to think about it. But if you actually play games, I find it VERY surprising that you've never played games and then simply happened to NOTICE how shallow and childish they are.
I actually DO play videogames, right?
yeah. A fair bit. Sorry. Forcing was the wrong term. I've never actually thought about some games being "childish" and others not. But what is oyur definition of shallow? If you mean the "plot" that drives the game (Donkey Kong gets his banana hoard stolen), yes I know its quite shallow. But do you honestly need a whole story of how the hoard was stolen, why the foes are after it, etc? No. The hoard was stolen. Go get it back. Its shallow yes, but its a game. And what should drive the game is the gameplay, not the story.i did not knew much about ds i bought it for ace attorney series and it was well worth it, but i since i had less time on tv i bought the ds being cheaper then psp and well also for rpgs but i find them overall childish by means of like too typical.
but to be precise i never cared to play any of the touch games like clean the dog stuff, thats my definition of childish games, learn english and stuff games. ds has a huge library of childish games.
i also bought the ds for rpgs. which i believe the ds is not that worthy of a purchase.
this topic is not about the ds (which i have broken by accidentally dropping it,sigh) when i said childish i meant puzzle games, too light games like some children activity stuff, i did not meant saying playing mario is childish, i enjoyed mario gold and tennis on gba.
nice sarcasm :lol:
I wasn't being sarcastic. Why would I buy hand-helds and peripherals geared towards children? If Microsoft really wanted me to buy the Kinect they could have come up with something a lot more engaging than what they offer right now.
nice sarcasm :lol:
I wasn't being sarcastic. Why would I buy hand-helds and peripherals geared towards children? If Microsoft really wanted me to buy the Kinect they could have come up with something a lot more engaging than what they offer right now.
True. Give them time; eventually Microsoft will come out with better stuff. That's the problem with intenet. One usually can't tell if one is being sarcastic or not.All video games are childish. Games with guns that go bang bang doesn't make it any more a grown up's game.
I'd say Gears of War is more of a childish game than say Donkey Kong Country Returns. It is like saying Tokyo Gore Police is a more "mature" film than something by Pixar. Just because something looks "kiddie" doesn't mean it is probably going to be enjoyed to a deeper level by adults than children.
I just turned 24 a few days ago, and my girlfriend bought me Kirby's Epic Yarn for my birthday/Christmas. And I couldn't be happier. My parents got me Fallout: New Vegas, and I also couldn't be happier. Being an adult means you can appreciate the simpler things in life without having to concentrate on trying to be "mature."MrGeezer
More to the point...a lot of the "mature" content in videogames seems deliberately marketted towards "immature" people. Case in point, the sex minigames in the God of War series. Sure...that gets rated "mature" because it shows nudity and implies sex. But it's really "mature" in the same way that comic books only make women dress like DDD-breasted hookers because they're assuming that their audience is comprised of young boys who are too young to get their hands on real porn.
Again...I'm not speaking about all videogames. But in a hell of a lot of "mature" videogames, violence and sex are treating in a VERY "imature" manner. And often ends up essentially being Pornography for Kids.
And I've never played Gears Of War or Donkey Kong Country Returns. But I have seen The Neverending Story and Sin City. One was a "kids movie", one was a "movie for adults". And yet...the kids movie seemed to be by far the more "mature" (conceptually) of the two being compared. So yeah...I think I see where you're going with this and I agree.
That's complete and utter nonsense. So you're going to dismiss a game like God Of War as childish simply for one tiny aspect that isn't even representative of the entire game? I think a lot of parents would disagree with you there. Think of it this way, if a mother had to choose which game to get as her 5 year old son's Christmas gift, I would strongly doubt she would consider God Of War as her first choice. In fact, I'm pretty certain she'd be more inclined to choose something safe like a Mario game or Pokemon since those kinds of games are far less likely to have an negative impact on minds not yet developed.
I'm 25.
Yesterday at a Christmas Eve get together I jumped on a Wii and played New Super Mario Bros., Mario Galaxy 2, and Rayman Raving Rabbids... good times.
Then today at a Christmas party I played Dance Central for the Natal, good times.
The only "Rated E" game I'm looking forward to next year is Rayman: Origins & Sonic 4: Episode II.
I'd say Gears of War is more of a childish game than say Donkey Kong Country Returns. It is like saying Tokyo Gore Police is a more "mature" film than something by Pixar. Just because something looks "kiddie" doesn't mean it is probably going to be enjoyed to a deeper level by adults than children.
I just turned 24 a few days ago, and my girlfriend bought me Kirby's Epic Yarn for my birthday/Christmas. And I couldn't be happier. My parents got me Fallout: New Vegas, and I also couldn't be happier. Being an adult means you can appreciate the simpler things in life without having to concentrate on trying to be "mature."BladesOfAthena
More to the point...a lot of the "mature" content in videogames seems deliberately marketted towards "immature" people. Case in point, the sex minigames in the God of War series. Sure...that gets rated "mature" because it shows nudity and implies sex. But it's really "mature" in the same way that comic books only make women dress like DDD-breasted hookers because they're assuming that their audience is comprised of young boys who are too young to get their hands on real porn.
Again...I'm not speaking about all videogames. But in a hell of a lot of "mature" videogames, violence and sex are treating in a VERY "imature" manner. And often ends up essentially being Pornography for Kids.
And I've never played Gears Of War or Donkey Kong Country Returns. But I have seen The Neverending Story and Sin City. One was a "kids movie", one was a "movie for adults". And yet...the kids movie seemed to be by far the more "mature" (conceptually) of the two being compared. So yeah...I think I see where you're going with this and I agree.
That's complete and utter nonsense. So you're going to dismiss a game like God Of War as childish simply for one tiny aspect that isn't even representative of the entire game? I think a lot of parents would disagree with you there. Think of it this way, if a mother had to choose which game to get as her 5 year old son's Christmas gift, I would strongly doubt she would consider God Of War as her first choice. In fact, I'm pretty certain she'd be more inclined to choose something safe like a Mario game or Pokemon since those kinds of games are far less likely to have an negative impact on minds not yet developed.
Exactly. Mature just means it's not intended for younger audiences because parents might find some of the material objectionable. It's not a statement on the game's intellectual sophistication. All these attempts to point out the irony of the mature label border on the ridiculous. It's just not the point.
Also, I'm convinced that for some people there is no way to handle sex in a mature fashion. I know we'd like to see sex as the culmination of a relationship, but sometimes for some people it's just humping. That's reality. It has nothing to do with maturity - some people just see the act in a different light. Labeling them as immature would be immature.
To comics. The men are also skimped out in spandex with rippling muscles. At least, when I grew up everyone was wearing tight clothes, showing off their ideal figures - male and female. The point of superheroes since the beginning is that they embody perfection (as dictated by contemporary cultural values), inwardly and outwardly. It's only been fairly recently (in comic terms) that we've seen authors shift to more "normal" super-heroes, featuring their failings over their heroics.
Not playing a childish game because it is childish is actually quite childish. After all a child would be the first to make that childish distinction. Kids games can be quite fun like Ratchet and Clank. I'm 26 and I love R&C. You age more on the outside. Most of us behind the exteroir of maturity are still the fun loving kids we use to look like :)
That's complete and utter nonsense. So you're going to dismiss a game like God Of War as childish simply for one tiny aspect that isn't even representative of the entire game? I think a lot of parents would disagree with you there. Think of it this way, if a mother had to choose which game to get as her 5 year old son's Christmas gift, I would strongly doubt she would consider God Of War as her first choice. In fact, I'm pretty certain she'd be more inclined to choose something safe like a Mario game or Pokemon since those kinds of games are far less likely to have an negative impact on minds not yet developed.
Dude, it's senseless infantile gore and sex. That's it.
Mortal Kombat had lots of blood too, and lots of people's parents wouldn't buy it for them. But it's still gore for the sake of gore. Pretty much nothing but pornography, except substituting violence in place of sex.
I don't give a flying **** if it's too bloody for parents to buy it for their kids. That doesn't make it ANY more "mature". Sin City was violent as hell and showed a decent number of boobs, but it was still little more than an infantile movie in terms of content. Rather than being "mature", it was sex and violence catered towards the mindset of a 13 year old boy. And FAR too often, that's exactly the level of "maturity" that videogames are stuck at.
Exactly. Mature just means it's not intended for younger audiences because parents might find some of the material objectionable. It's not a statement on the game's intellectual sophistication. All these attempts to point out the irony of the mature label border on the ridiculous. It's just not the point.
Also, I'm convinced that for some people there is no way to handle sex in a mature fashion. I know we'd like to see sex as the culmination of a relationship, but sometimes for some people it's just humping. That's reality. It has nothing to do with maturity - some people just see the act in a different light. Labeling them as immature would be immature.
To comics. The men are also skimped out in spandex with rippling muscles. At least, when I grew up everyone was wearing tight clothes, showing off their ideal figures - male and female. The point of superheroes since the beginning is that they embody perfection (as dictated by contemporary cultural values), inwardly and outwardly. It's only been fairly recently (in comic terms) that we've seen authors shift to more "normal" super-heroes, featuring their failings over their heroics.
The irony of the mature label is EXACTLY the point here. Because this thread was about "childish" games. And correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't recall "C...this game contains childish content" being one of the ratings given out by the ESRB.
We're NOT talking about ratings here. We've established that when the TC framed this question to describe certains games as "childish".
And given that we're NOT talking about the ESRB ratings, and that no one has really made any attempt to DEFINE what makes a game "childish", then it's absolutely fair game to say that crap like God of War is not only "childish" but also "embarassingly infantile".
That's complete and utter nonsense. So you're going to dismiss a game like God Of War as childish simply for one tiny aspect that isn't even representative of the entire game? I think a lot of parents would disagree with you there. Think of it this way, if a mother had to choose which game to get as her 5 year old son's Christmas gift, I would strongly doubt she would consider God Of War as her first choice. In fact, I'm pretty certain she'd be more inclined to choose something safe like a Mario game or Pokemon since those kinds of games are far less likely to have an negative impact on minds not yet developed.
Dude, it's senseless infantile gore and sex. That's it.
Mortal Kombat had lots of blood too, and lots of people's parents wouldn't buy it for them. But it's still gore for the sake of gore. Pretty much nothing but pornography, except substituting violence in place of sex.
I don't give a flying **** if it's too bloody for parents to buy it for their kids. That doesn't make it ANY more "mature". Sin City was violent as hell and showed a decent number of boobs, but it was still little more than an infantile movie in terms of content. Rather than being "mature", it was sex and violence catered towards the mindset of a 13 year old boy. And FAR too often, that's exactly the level of "maturity" that videogames are stuck at.
If violence offends you, I imagine you must walk always walk away unhappy from a lot of modern action games. I can remember when small sprites flickered out of existence upon death.
As worlds get more complicated and detailed such flickering out of existence without a trace would look really out of place. If you are a pacifist who is deeply offended by violence there is nothing wrong with that, but don't confuse your personal hang-ups with a game's quality.
If violence offends you, I imagine you must walk always walk away unhappy from a lot of modern action games. I can remember when small sprites flickered out of existence upon death.
As worlds get more complicated and detailed such flickering out of existence without a trace would look really out of place. If you are a pacifist who is deeply offended by violence there is nothing wrong with that, but don't confuse your personal hang-ups with a game's quality.
Congratulations on completely missing the entire ****ing point.
It's not that violence OFFENDS me. Violence doesn't OFFEND ME in the least. The point is that violence for the sake of violence is about as childish as you can get.
I never said that stuff like God of War wasn't FUN. But when it comes to being CHILDISH, it approaches violence and sex on a kinderarten level.
I'd say Gears of War is more of a childish game than say Donkey Kong Country Returns. It is like saying Tokyo Gore Police is a more "mature" film than something by Pixar. foxhound_foxFact! Wall-E, Up and others can be more mature than some silly movie like Hostel.
My little brother(10 years old) plays lots of games like Mario, Sonic, Poke'mon but never seems to pass/clock them because they are probably too hard . He has alsoplayed Battlefield and Call of Duty 6(I didn't approve of my little brother playing these games but my parents have become lenient of late) and has consequently completed the single player. As far as I'm concerned, If a seemingly mature game is easier then a 'childish' game wouldn't that render the seemingly mature game more 'childish' then games that we brand as 'childish'?(Ouch my brain).
If violence offends you, I imagine you must walk always walk away unhappy from a lot of modern action games. I can remember when small sprites flickered out of existence upon death.
As worlds get more complicated and detailed such flickering out of existence without a trace would look really out of place. If you are a pacifist who is deeply offended by violence there is nothing wrong with that, but don't confuse your personal hang-ups with a game's quality.
Congratulations on completely missing the entire ****ing point.
It's not that violence OFFENDS me. Violence doesn't OFFEND ME in the least. The point is that violence for the sake of violence is about as childish as you can get.
I never said that stuff like God of War wasn't FUN. But when it comes to being CHILDISH, it approaches violence and sex on a kinderarten level.
First things first. Stop lying about what you've said in past posts. Just one page back you said:
And given that we're NOT talking about the ESRB ratings, and that no one has really made any attempt to DEFINE what makes a game "childish", then it's absolutely fair game to say that crap like God of War is not only "childish" but also "embarassingly infantile".
Second, you're missing my point. Action games (and movies) by definition have violence for its own sake. Complaining about is likecomplaining that a platformer has jumping for the sake of jumping or a shooter has shooting for the sake of shooting.
Your postings in this thread make you come off as either a prude or a pollyanna who believes that all games should be babysafe (you've called games with what you arbitrarily label excessive violence or sex as pornography for kids).
That's complete and utter nonsense. So you're going to dismiss a game like God Of War as childish simply for one tiny aspect that isn't even representative of the entire game? BladesOfAthena
That's complete and utter nonsense. So you're going to dismiss a game like God Of War as childish simply for one tiny aspect that isn't even representative of the entire game? I think a lot of parents would disagree with you there. Think of it this way, if a mother had to choose which game to get as her 5 year old son's Christmas gift, I would strongly doubt she would consider God Of War as her first choice. In fact, I'm pretty certain she'd be more inclined to choose something safe like a Mario game or Pokemon since those kinds of games are far less likely to have an negative impact on minds not yet developed.
Dude, it's senseless infantile gore and sex. That's it.
Mortal Kombat had lots of blood too, and lots of people's parents wouldn't buy it for them. But it's still gore for the sake of gore. Pretty much nothing but pornography, except substituting violence in place of sex.
I don't give a flying **** if it's too bloody for parents to buy it for their kids. That doesn't make it ANY more "mature". Sin City was violent as hell and showed a decent number of boobs, but it was still little more than an infantile movie in terms of content. Rather than being "mature", it was sex and violence catered towards the mindset of a 13 year old boy. And FAR too often, that's exactly the level of "maturity" that videogames are stuck at.
Senseless infantile gore and sex? Its obvious you've neverplayed the game. :roll: First off, God Of War's storyline is actually pretty deep and complex, one that is infused with themes of betrayal, love, strife, revenge, tragedy, and empowerment. There are much more sophisticated elements at work here than just "senseless gore and sex." Secondly, if Sin City's target demographic consisted mainly of 13 year old boys, it would be rated PG 13 instead of rated R.
Who determines what is infantile and what is not? You or thelegislators? What does "infantile" even mean anyway? Why stop at 13 year old children? What if you were tobroaden the definition to include babies and toddlers? Would it then make sense to say that sex andviolence is subject matter that appeals to babies and toddlers as well? When was the last time you've seen a 3 year old sneak a peek into an issue of Playboy magazine and get sexually aroused by pictures of boobies?
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