[QUOTE="Gemini_Red"][QUOTE="g805ge"][QUOTE="WindedSailor"] Tommy is part of the reason why video game journalism is a joke these days. His reviews are good for comedic value if you don't take them seriously. But coming from a sound-recording background, he puts way too much emphasis on voice acting, sound, and use of movie licences instead of focusing on originality, gameplay, and overall fun of a game. I could give numerous examples if I only remembered the specific scores, but his scores are all over the map and have no consistency to them whatsoever.
His point about journalists being too negative is dead wrong. There is no other media industry - movies, music, and TV to name a few - where journalists are so afraid to criticize a game and give into the hype surrounding a game's release. How is an industry supposed to develop a body of criticism when every hyped new release gets between 7.5 to 9.5 on almost every online gaming site? And why should development time, money spent, and advertising dollars influence how scores should be? In movies, big budget movies hyped to the moon are routinely panned by critics without fear of retribution. In gaming, give a game like Gears of War 2 an 8.0 and a site gets blasted by fanboys, the company, and other journalists for being too "negative".
Basically, what I'm trying to say is that video game journalists need to build some courage and go beyond the childish fanboyism of guys like Tommy.
Call him a fanboy after watching this.
BTW this was recorded during the original Xbox's launch!
What are you, his agent?
Let it go. The reality is this: if you want to think he is the messiah of gaming journalism, than knock yourself out. What should be clear here though is there are others who don't share your opinion(myself included). As you have shown this is very crushing to you, so you have gone out of your way to attempt to prove how everyone else's opinion is wrong except for yours. Such a tragedy that us simple peons can not see Mr. Tallarico's know all insight into the gaming world.:roll:
You know, it's funny that half the time Lucas and Tollarico spent their time arguing for the majority of the reviews they did. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ki6-4eceaiE[/QUOTE]That was just an act, he was playing around Victor the whole time for humor. I'm not saying he's funny because he was obnoxious in that show.
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