What do you think are the 10 best towns from RPGs? A short explanation would be appreciated.
My list (in no particular order):
1. Fisherman's Horizon (Final Fantasy VIII): I love how they somehow managed to make a place made of scrap metal so beautiful. The music here is some of my favorite in all of gaming.
2. Termina (Chrono Cross): I'm a huge fan of water-based towns that have a hustle and bustle to them, but the beautiful white Mediterranian-looking architecture really seals the deal for me.
3. Besaid Island (Final Fantasy X): I love the peacefulness and lushness of this tropical paradise. Plus, the music is absolutely gorgeous.
4. Midgar (Final Fantasy VII): Probably the most iconic town/city in an RPG. The Midgar slums ooze with character and atmosphere. Other JRPGs have tried to replicate it, but none have down the slum thing better.
5. Frontier Village (Xenoblade Chronicles): It's a giant city inside of a tree. I don't think I need to say any more.
6. Solaris (Xenogears): Not only does this town make sterility visually interesting, but some of the most epic moments in any RPG take place here.
7. Lindblum (Final Fantasy IX): I love how this city is very steampunk, but is quite colorful and charming at the same time.
8. Traverse Town (Kingdom Hearts): This hub town is warm and cozy like a cup of hot coco or a fireplace (with music to match), but there's also something (maybe the fact that it's eternally night) slightly unsettling about it.
9. Rabanastre (Final Fantasy XII): If there's one town in the Final Fantasy series that nails hustle and bustle, it's this one. With its abundance of NPCs and large market areas, this is the city in the series that feels the most "alive."
10. Tazmily Village (Mother 3): As far as towns that feel lived in, have unique details, and are integral to the story, you can't do much better than Tazmily.
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