Whats the toughest and whos the weakest game boss
Weakest:Shadow of rome-Decius Brutus
Toughest-Devil May Cry-Vergil the final battle
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Whats the toughest and whos the weakest game boss
Weakest:Shadow of rome-Decius Brutus
Toughest-Devil May Cry-Vergil the final battle
Legacy Platforms
Toughest - Nikolai Diavlo from "Everything or Nothing" for PS2.
Weakest - Red Grant from "From Russia With Love" for PS2
Toughest - Vamp from "Metal Gear Soldid 4"
Weakest - Crusho from "Ratchet and ClankFuture: Tools of Destruction"
Weakest: Final Robotnik on Sonic 1.
Toughest: There are a few:
1.Robotnik on Sonic 2
2.Emerald Weapon (if you are under level 50) from FF7
3.Sephiroth from KH1 and KH2 on the hardest difficulties
4.Yazmat from FF12
5.The final special costume boss on Hot Shots Golf 3
6.Omega Shenron Lvl 99. on DBZ Budokai 3 (not Tenkaichi)
Tough bosses (as long as they aren't tough cuz thier cheap) are the best parts of games.
Mech Sonic was very easy once you got to know his patterns. Egg Man though was very tough. It seemed to take for ever to kill him. I think I've only beaten him on a few occassions.Weakest - I do not know. Old school bosses were always a challenge.....I could name a ton of bosses from more current games
Toughest - The Mechanical Sonic from the old-school Sonic and the Hedgehog. That is the only game boss I have never been able to beat.
Hardest: Ozma from FFIX :x I can never get anywhere against that guy
Easiest: There's a million bosses that are pathetically easy. Basically, the first boss in every RPG is easy as hell, not to mention how many games have bosses that require only talking to get through.
maybe one of the weakest for a final boss but def one of the most disappointing was Fortinbras(not sure if spelled right) (Onimusha 1, PS2). for a fianl boss he was pretty easy just took awhile to beat him, but basically all you had to do is avoid the lazer beam and the occasional grab, pretty easy.
The bee queen/lady/person was alot harder in that game and it was like the 3rd or 4th boss in the game
Weakest- Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance the warrior lady at the last level (forgot her name)
Toughest- I actually can't remember a particular boss that was really challenging. Perhaps its time I picked up a harder game. :P
Legacy Platforms
Toughest - Nikolai Diavlo from "Everything or Nothing" for PS2.
Weakest - Red Grant from "From Russia With Love" for PS2
Toughest - Vamp from "Metal Gear Soldid 4"
Weakest - Crusho from "Ratchet and ClankFuture: Tools of Destruction"
Nikolai Diavolo! TOUGHEST? It takes one rocket to kill him! ONE!!
Hardest: Indalecio(Star Ocean 2) if you don't have the rabbit shoes.
Easiest: Barbarian from NES Ninja Gaiden.
Hardest: Cerberus in DMC3, though i beat this game many times but still get trouble when fight against this boss
Easiest: The final boss in FF 10: Yu Ye von
Hardest: Omega Weapon in FF8. between him and Nebilim from Tales of the Abyss
My cousin and I got to max level, had best gear possible, had best capacity cores for the whole game. I don't know how we could have been stronger and the battle where we won took like 3 or 4 hours af us nearly dead the whole time, FoF circles to the rescue XD
Easiest: Butterfly boss in the third dungeon in the dark world in The Legend of Zelda:A Link to the Past. The way I play through that game is I get the master sword tempered right after doing the first castle in the dark world, so by that time I have the tempered sword. You can pretty much drop down and attack like mad with your sword. He drops fast.
Hardest, probably Gyorg from Majora's Mask. The weakest is probably Andross from Starfox Adventures. In my opinion, haha. Fury-Flame
i was gonna say Andross as my hardest boss, because i have yet to beat him. I have tried so many times, and after almost defeating him he always gets a cheap hit in w/ a rocket or whatever and i die. i think about beating him all the time, but i just don't out of frustration.
Legacy Platforms
Toughest - Nikolai Diavlo from "Everything or Nothing" for PS2.
Weakest - Red Grant from "From Russia With Love" for PS2
Toughest - Vamp from "Metal Gear Soldid 4"
Weakest - Crusho from "Ratchet and ClankFuture: Tools of Destruction"
Toughest: Hiruko from Shinobi (PS2)
Weakest: Almost any Nintendo game boss
I was just gonna mention Shinobi.
Is that the final boss you're talking about or that annoying moth lady? She absolutely did my head in.
The easiest boss I've played recently has to be Eggman after the final level in Sonic Unleashed. He barely scratched me.
Toughest: Alma from Ninja Gaiden (xbox), never have i ever been that angry with a boss battle.
Weakest: King Bob-omb from mario 64, he throws you and that's about it.
Toughest Boss:That damned first thing in Shadow Of The Colossus, I spent hours at it and never got it past half of its health gone, and neither could three of my friends. XD How can you manage ot beat that game?! Either that or the last boss of Earthworm Jim on the computer(I ran out of ammo fighting it, and it didn't seem to take damage...
Easiest Boss:Maybe the first Eggman in Sonic Adventure 2...? 20 seconds to beat him, without getting hurt. XD
Death Adder was only difficult because those damn skeleton minions would never die!:evil: There are plenty of weak bosses, but the hardest that I can remember is Mike Tyson(Punch Out). I still have not beaten the final boss in Metroid Prime 3 on Hypermode difficulty.:?Weakest: inferno (SC2)
Hardest: death adder (golden axe)
toughest: lucifer (painkiller) in short fight on a bunch of temporary platforms that he breaks regularly which all have a lengthy fall between them, shoot until he breaks them approx. 4 times then shoot until dead
special mention to: sephiroth (kingdom hearts 2) aka the chuck norris of bosses (that isnt even the end boss)
easiest: chaos demon (warhammer 40k: fire warrior). in short its this kill 10 guys, plant 6 bombs, then kill 2 minutes. tada 1 dead boss XD
Michael and Haniel (Star Ocean 2), I just cannot seem to beat these guys! :x
The last boss in Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn
Ozma (Final Fantasy IX)
Any Zelda boss from A Link to the Past and up. (except the Oracle games)
Splash Woman (Megaman 9)
Any first boss from an any RPG
Hardest bosf for me was Nyx Avatar from Persona 3 FES (on hard mode). For one, each crack at the boss took me something in the neighborhood of an hour and a half to two hours. When I JUST about had it killed, I would be charmed and heal it back up to full health. It's the only boss I remember in a LONG time that actively caused me to curse out loud at the TV.
Easiest: Any boss from recent Zelda games. They have been underwhelming on the difficulty side to me. Get item, use item on boss, hit with sword. Lather, rinse, repeat.
WEAKEST: Aquamentus from the original Legend of Zelda. He was the 1st boss of the game and, for some reason, was also the boss of the 7th level. Upon reaching the 7th level, you pretty much already had the Blue Ring and the Magical Sword, so he was no more difficult than a Stalfos was in the beginning of the game.
TOUGHEST: Probably Ruby Weapon from FFVII. I've never beaten him. Ever....:(
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