I really think this game has the potential to be one of the better games this year. All they needed to do, in my opinion, was eliminate the repetition, and it sounds like they are doing it.
I didnt necessarily think the investigaton missions were that repetitive. The problem, was that they were so tedious and boring. I feel the game was a little too-scripted for its own good. Why did eavesdropping have to be a cutscene? In Hitman or Splinter Cell, eavesdropping is completely real-time. You can choose to sneak past and ignore the guards, youhave the optiontohide unnoticed and listen for more information about your goal or target, or youmay evenkill one and interrogate the other.Also, why must I bumble around the target's fortress until I find the spot they want me to stand to trigger a cutscene before every assassination? Why can't I kill this fool while he's in the middle of delivering his speech, while the guards are distracted? Really, why can't this be done in real-time? Why did all of my research tell me of the most stealthy way to strike when gettinga clean kill isimpossible and the same scripted event will occur everytime? Why did the man in my previous interrogation mission implicate there would be something interesting to do with the ropes attached to the ceiling (cut them and make the target's death look like an accident, Hitman-style), when you can't use them at all? Why is this target I'm chasing through the streets stopping to taunt me everytime I fall behind?
In many ways, it felt like 2006's Hitman, and even 2002's Hitman, were further ahead of the curve than AC was. Youlearn all you can about your target, then decide on the most opportune moment to strike, No cutscenes in the middle of the mission, no one way to kill your target, and not just one way to escape.
My other main gripe was with the lack of control you have over Altair's acrobatics. Climbing to the Eagle's Nests aren't nearly asengaging as they should been when you areliterally just holding down the Rand up buttons and watching with impatience as Altair slowly scales a building without any input of your own. The parkour became so much more interesting when youwere given the B button move that allows you to catch the side of the wall when you were falling. It was satisfying to feel that was a move that I had actually triggered myself, and it wasnice to feel I was having some input into all of these awesome maneuvers Altair was performing. I would still have liked to have more input, though.
All of this complaining might lead you to believe that I didn't like Assassin's Creed. AC2 is actually one of my most anticipated games and I can't wait to see how the rest of the story unfolds. The AC franchise has one of the best premises in gaming today I feel. Probably why a few of its faults stood out to me so much. The game could be perfect if the areas mentioned above were a little more refined.
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