the following was posted by a GM on the Battlenet Tech Support forum a couple of days ago: Our team has been watching this thread closely, and we understand the desire for more information about this situation. Blizzard Entertainment cannot speak to any reports surrounding the Iranian government restricting games from its citizens. What we can tell you is that United States trade restrictions and economic sanction laws prohibit Blizzard from doingbusinesswith residents of certain nations, including Iran. Several of you have seen and cited the text in the Terms of Use which relates to these government-imposed sanctions. This week, Blizzard tightened up its procedures to ensure compliance with these laws, and players connecting from the affected nations are restricted from access to Blizzard games and services. This also prevents us from providing any refunds,credits, transfers, or other service options to accounts in these countries. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes and will happily lift these restrictions as soon as US law allows. |
Iranian, Syrian, and Sudanese online gamers are hit by the new American sanctions.
Battlenet finally was forced to close their games due to restrictions imposted by the United States.
There are workarounds via Italy and Turkey to the European servers but there are also rumours
that the Iranian government is blocking online games.
It is not only Battlenet - Guildwars at least is also verified closed and probably many other popular games.
I hope our politicians are proud - keeping the people in a handfulof countries not only from playing their favourite games but also preventing their subscription fees from being reimbursed is quite an accomplishment - I HOPE THEY ARE PROUD aren't you?
I sure can't think of any good from any of this - so help me out here.
can anyone name any good that has come from the sanctions?
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