Yeah, I don't ever remember a time in history where gaming sucked worse than right now. Every game I play feels like a duplicate of something else I have already played. Other than Witcher 3, I haven't really played anything for more than a few hours in over 2 years. If VR fails, I won't be a gamer anymore.
Normally anything I would ever say would fall under this category...where do I begin? I dunno, seems like alot of the sentiments expressed here are actually widely accepted by most of the folks combing the internet, but I will throw a few bones out there.
- In light of the recent overhaul, it has become more apparent than ever that DOTA 2 is borderline unplayable after having any significant amount of time with another major MOBA, and the game continues to exist in a prison of archaic rules that only exist due to limitations of the WC3 engine the original mod was based on. There's a reason the community is so toxic, everyone is trying to build a house with ancient materials and broken wonder everyone is screaming at each other. The impression that DOTA 2 is somehow to pinnacle of MOBA design only highlights how absurdly out of touch and isolated the game's community has become.
- AAA gaming would not exist if it weren't for consoles and the massive finance they provide to multi-platform developer. We should all be grateful they exist even if we don't play games on them. Consoles do not inhibit big games, and realistically are the only reason many of them get to exist in the first place. I know many of you feel very strongly about your amazing boxes you play mediocre games on, but it strictly comes down to money, and you know nobody in the publishing industry is making decisions based on what might sell well in a midweek Steam sale 7 years from now.
- Steam has the worst storefront in the world, it's so bad I won't even let my nieces and nephew look at it because you never know when an ad for an anime porn game will pop up...."If you don't like it, don't buy it" doesn't cut it, this is disgusting beyond a level of comprehension. It's easier to navigate iOS than this, and that is horrifying.
- Console exclusives have generally looked better than PC exclusives for at least 15 years, even running at lower resolutions and frame-rates. I also still think Ratchet and Clank games on the PS3 and 4 are among the best looking games ever made, and there isn't a single PC game that even attempts to match that level of artistry and animation. The demo alone for the new Gravity Rush is among the most gorgeous things I have ever experienced, and Wind Waker HD or Okami HD are the two best looking games I have ever played by a mile. Comparing and obsessing over assets is deliberately misleading and gaming websites like to prey on the anxieties of spineless consumers with often meaningless click-bait comparison articles. I remember reading something about Mario Kart being a technical failure because it drops 1 frame every 4 seconds or something like that, making it feel juddery...what? You people are insane.
this console gen is easily the worst I've been a part of, and that goes back to the NES.
To paraphrase Carlin, the Open world genre needs to be closed for repairs. They haven't had a new idea since GTA3, 15 years ago. They can't even figure out a way to advertise them without resorting to telling you how much more empty space their game has than previous open world games. The concept is fine but every particular element of these games pales when compared to contemporary non-open world titles that feature similar elements. The goal seems to be to overwhelm you with spectacle so you don't notice how mediocre every component part actually is. Best part of Witcher 3's open world was being able to ignore most of it; worst part was having to ride for days to get to a quest objective....can I just get a loading screen, please?
Triggers on controllers are just bad. And not just because they seem to be the first part that breaks, but even when they work, they're slower to respond than buttons, which makes sense considering how far you have to push them in with some games. Maybe it's only a fraction of a second, but that means everything in some games. Drove me nuts when the DS design switched its R2/L2 set up to triggers instead of buttons. Add to that, blowing yourself up with a grenade when you put your controller down for a second and the floor/bed contacts the trigger. Thanks, engineers!
Dualshock controllers are betters than Xbox controllers.
Yes on the prior, and I agree on the second one although I don't think that's that unpopular an opinion.
These days as a busy, working adult with a family, I have a greater appreciation for shorter gaming experiences than I used to. In a way, I almost get -more- out of the Ethan Carters and Firewatches and Telltale games than I do out of Skyrims, Witchers and Fallouts. Short games are no longer bad things to me.
I hate MOBAs. I will never play a MOBA even though I recognize that they are a pretty popular genre.
I'm actually pretty down on multiplayer in general. Overwatch is fun, but games like Destiny, Eve, pretty much every MMO (although I did cap in SWTOR when it came out and that was fun), etc don't appeal to me. I understand -why- people enjoy these games and on paper it should be fun, but I'm an adult with a busy schedule and so are most of my friends, so coordinating with them is a pain in the ass that's not worth my time and coordinating with consistent groups of people to achieve objectives or make your own fun is what makes these games great.
I don't necessarily get bent out of shape when a game is "localized" for the US or Europe. The idea of localization as a concept doesn't offend me, but it really depends on what they change. Some things don't translate culturally. The items they removed from Yakuza 3 bugged me and I'm glad they didn't make similar changes to 4 or 5. The Fire Emblem "rubbing" minigame getting removed didn't bother me at all. It really depends on context.
The original Xbox controller didn't feel too large to me. I guess I have big hands. I did like the S controller better, though.
Elite is a good concept but as it is right now it's boring as hell. I've put 100s of hours into it but I've lost interest until they add more content. The latest patch didn't do much for me. Maybe this alien stuff will be cool.
I think Star Citizen isn't necessarily doomed but obviously I have no idea what'll happen in the future.
The Dead Space series (except maybe for the first one) and Outcast are pretty mediocre horror games.
Silent Hill Shattered Memories is actually really good, and the Wii version is the best version.
Silent Hill 4 The Room is probably the worst proper Silent Hill game (not counting weird spinoffs).
Well, I gotta say that I ignore reviews. If I see a game that I know I'll enjoy, then I'd buy and play it despite what others say. On the other hand, when do I ever listen to what others have to say?
@firedguy33: I think the WIi remote is the best controller for FPS games. Doesn't mean the system's the best for FPS games, but the control method is excellent.
@Byshop: since its release, its gotten nothing but hate as far as I've seen. I personally thought it was just "Okay" overall.
I actively think it's awful, and I'm annoyed that I wanted to like it so badly that I spent over 20 hours playing it before I realized how much I disliked it. The combat system boils down to just switching between attack, support, and healing roles and hitting "auto" over and over. The characters are the worst kind of FF archetype nonsense with tough fighter girl, flashly but a little too carefree handsome male lead, quirky ethnic character, manic pixie girl character, etc. The progression was annoyingly linear, especially for a current gen (at the time) game and the story was nonsensical. Besides some pretty graphics, I found very little that I liked about it.
I really didn't like FF7 much, i didn't hate it, but i found only the first half of the game fun and addictive, and after that i really lost interest in it even though i almost finished it. The large obsession to the game is something i don't follow. I haven't played it since its release and probably won't again. Its the most widely liked Final Fantasy game and if you ever say you didn't like it, you usually get a lot of people get angry at you.
Also i liked No Mans Sky. I did think the game was over priced but besides that, it's a game i probably won't uninstall for quite a while even though i've pretty much done mostly everything in it, i still keep it around to load up and random look around whenever i feel like it. I think too many people bought this game who probably shouldn't have since it wasn't meant for a mass audience... people jumped onto a hype train for a game they didn't really know much about and then got all emotional when it was missing a few things they thought would be in it. Maybe I feel less burned because i didn't pay full price for it at launch, because if i did maybe i would be feeling different.
Also, GTA 4 sucked for me. I liked GTA3, GTA vice city, GTA San Andreas and GTA 5, but GTA 4 i hate this game. maybe its because the main character was a russian, maybe it was the storyline i disliked... who knows but its the one GTA game i always mention i hated even though most other people liked it. So its not a very popular thing to say so its nice to get it out there in a safe place like here where i know nobody will get mad.
PC gaming is easier than ever to learn and you can also do more with a budget PC than ever before. Games aren't exactly pushing the envelope in gfx these days, unless your doing VR.
What are your opinions about certain titles, video games in general, consoles, console wars that most people here disagree with?
I'll start: There is a reason why console gaming is healthy despite all the theoretical advantages of PC gaming. Its a headache, it requires a bigger investment both financially and energy to learn, its not always compatible and a lot of services/hardware deprecate over time.
I don't understand why you think consoles are a bigger financial investment. I just spent $699 on a GeForce GTX 1080 and will most likely upgrade it within the next 18-24 months when the new high-end cards are out and I can't play newer game on max settings anymore. Which is more than you will ever spend on a console in a two to three-year span. Keeping a PC up "with the Joneses" so to speak is a much more financially demanding undertaking.
Far Cry 2 is better than FC3 and still is my most played FPS. I like both but in terms of overall fun and replayability, FC2 is a lot better. FC3 has some improvements over FC2 but my biggest grive is the main missions become corridor linear; taking the outpost was fun for some hours, at least in the northen island, but it got repetitive as the outpost are small and very similar to one another. Planning to getting FC4 someday to have my open world FPS fix, hoping it's more fun than FC3.
Far Cry 2 is better than FC3 and still is my most played FPS. I like both but in terms of overall fun and replayability, FC2 is a lot better. FC3 has some improvements over FC2 but my biggest grive is the main missions become corridor linear; taking the outpost was fun for some hours, at least in the northen island, but it got repetitive as the outpost are small and very similar to one another. Planning to getting FC4 someday to have my open world FPS fix, hoping it's more fun than FC3.
There's many similarities to Far Cry 3. So, you may find Far Cry 4 boring too.
But, also consider the additions:
1. Ubisoft brought back the mortar. If you hear one fire, you better run like hell. There's not a single time my character survived a direct hit.
2. Animals are more deadly, especially a pissed-off rhino. Also, getting inside a vehicle does not guarantee safety from animals anymore like it was with Far Cry 3. Eagles will do air attacks with large losses of health.
3. You can now shoot from all vehicles, including the hang glider. Plus, you also have powered flight via Buzzer ultralight helicopter. You can put ground vehicles on auto-drive while you shoot back at pursuers.
Thank you for the useful infos. There are some changes I like: AI buddy, Buzzer (I already saw it in many Youtube videos, looks like a kot of fun), fortresses, ability to shoot when driving, grapple and hook, motorized rowboat ...
I have a question: Are there enemies' gunboats patrolling in rivers ?
Diablo 3 is a fine game at most, 7,5/10. Short, small, repetitive, cheesy at some times, and it sold the whole changing of the dungeons each time as something revolutionary. In no way it makes it replayable because of that.
Also, as someone mentioned before, Halo is a stupid game with ridiculous looking enemies, weapons, and map design.
Nearly all "visual novels" in Steam which developed by western devs are craps with sex and nudity thrown in it. More like shitty parodies of the genre itself. However I decided to excluded the otome(female-oriented) ones as they aimed towards completely different audiences to begin with.
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