I got bored, and frustrated, playing the game, and I am NOT one of the people that disliked it.
The reason is because the game's battle system, and rules in general, are COMPLEX AS FUDGE! I mean, JESUS! There's a book in itself all about how the battle system works. There is so much depth in it, and in the story, too. I've heard it's a short game, but has more depth than most JRPGs that span four discs, and I've found this to be pretty true so far.
I am STILL trying to figure out how to play the game, though, even though I've had the game since 2007, and have yet to really move far past the dragon boss. I've had to come back to the game on repeated occaisions, because I stop at a point, and don't come back until way too late for me to even still be involved in the story. The last time I played, I had the most fun -- a LOT of fun -- and the game, even thought it's short, and I haven't done much with it in YEARS, I still hold cherished memories of the game.
Anyway, yeah. Once I learn it, I'm going to love it. I mean to go back to that game. It was worth every penny to find that rare gem in near mint condition at that outstanding game store that closed down. It's definitely a deep game, with a compelling, mature story, and all of your complaints are very feeble, baseless, and misinformed. It's definitely not a game for your average Joe Gamer who really isn't too bright, and can't really appreciate true gaming art; and you don't really sound like you'd enjoy this game -- so yeah, I'd "steer clear of it."
One of Sqix's best games, hands-down, no doubt.
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