A dream of every player since the dawn of the video game has always been to live them , not just play them. Multitude of different inventions tried to make us partakers of the adventure of a thousand and one different ways , and by the time of Mega Drive could be controlled only by what titles our body. Perhaps the most widely accepted approach that was until last generation was EyeToy , Sony camera that allowed us to complete a multitude of mini-games , either solo or with friends, no other control our body .
One idea we have about it , is that in the future will make as little disturbance and such amazing things , and it will not be functional over a simple fashion, but the leap from virtual reality screens .
A blog about video games, commented that , " An innovative mechanical or sublime history is needed to keep them alive in times of new technologies, I imagine much more immersive . Who knows , games you put at the center of the stage, perhaps by glasses or contact lenses, or downloaded directly to the brain . Technology will make only a few geeks screen choose life , changing up and down this society.
But that will be a new page in history. " Http://eljueguista.wordpress.com/2013/01/02/como-envejecen-los-videoju egos /
Some media, argue that "over time , the game will cease to exist and instead will 3D simulations indistinguishable from reality , there will be a virtual reality for people who wish to participate in the only shelter for nostalgic players will be your PC and emulation software to enable them to relive the " glory days " of the games, while the rest of humanity are slaves of the matrix, or system requirements . " http://illbethejudgeofthat.wordpress.com/2009/08/05/2d-vs-3d-a-gaming- evolution /
Others refer to the emergence of a new control interface for 3D game mechanics , will disappear at the lateral and vertical scrolling 2D , which would become mechanical past. http://www.pixfans.com/herederos-de-otra-dimension/
_ Does immersion in video games, is the principal and / or the most fun , in these digital entertainment programs . And increasingly immersive systems such as virtual reality and video games on first and third person , more immersive games trying to win, shape the future of this industry and form of entertainment. Not being designed starting from then, new video game side-scrolling perspective , vertical or isometric 2D ?
_ Virtual Reality and games in first person, will be the future of video games, in the sense that it is going to be dominant ?
With time, the game will cease to exist and give way to interactive 3D simulations ?
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