Main game is Watch Dogs right now. It's alright, I never got swept up in the hype from the infamous E3 trailer, so I'm not feeling the disappointment that many did. It's a decent GTA clone, I'm enjoying the hacking side of things, and the amount of control it allows you to have on your surroundings can make for some interesting situations.
What I'm not as keen on is the side missions, such as the ones where you've got to stop vehicles that are transporting stuff like bombs across the city, it's not that I think they're bad, more out of place. So far nothing in the story has had me interacting with street gangs, it's always been cops or rival hacker groups, so it doesn't make sense that you can just randomly take on missions like this.
I'm also on my second day of Pokemon Go. This I'm loving, my only gripe is that I keep running out of Pokeballs, and I while there are a few PokeStops near me all are a 10+ minute walk away, and while I don't mind doing it, it's a little frustrating when I've settled down for the evening, and a few Mons show up near my house and I use up what balls I have left, and then of course something rare shows up. Like tonight the first Pokemon after I run out of balls is a Wartortle, but I know even if I did take the 10 minute walk, he'd be gone when I return and it'd be back to Zubat central. I also can't buy balls right now because I'm in the UK and had to use a US iTunes account to even get the game (which TBH, is a good thing because I'd probably end up wasting a ton of money on this).
The third and final game I'm playing is Zelda: Oracle of Seasons. I hate this game. I had Ages as a kid and loved it, and can't wait to be done with Seasons so I can move onto it, but I've been on Seasons for two months now, and I just have ZERO motivation to play it. I'm not even sure why I'm hating it so much, but everything just feels tedious and the game feels just like it's too long. I am at least close to the end, having just the Sword and Shield dungeon and then Onox's Castle to beat. I want it finished so I can carry on with my plan of beating all the game before Breath of the Wild launches, but it's hard when I'm really not enjoying it.
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