We just bought 8x of these $600 Ships, plus a bunch of other Ships in Star Citizen. Are we crazy ? Hell yeah. But this is just how awesome Star Citizen is.
Now, most of you are going to be like, "WTF are these guys doing spending that much money on Virtual Spaceships and shit." However if you watch the Video below from Friday's CitizenCon 2014, you will see just why this game is going to be as a famous Video Game Journalist wrote, "Biggest Game in the History of Gaming."
Oh yeah, if you think spending $7000 on Virtual Spaceships is nuts, you guys should probably know that we have also spent around $130,000 on our Org's (An Org is like a Clan) Headquarters and LAN Center here in Southern California. Anyway, just want to get as many people to understand just how FREAKING EPIC this Video Game is going to be.
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