I used to play it a ton like I was really good (or at least I played it alot). I quit like 1-2 yrs ago and I log back in everyone now and again. It is very nostalgic for me. That I definitely agree with you on. The people I met I had some great times with, and some of the things I did, i.e the boss fights, God Wars Dungeon, pvping...just chilling with people I met...they were all alot of fun. I'm always on the verge of going back, but I never do. I kind of enjoy having a life outside of a game and I've got enough other stuff going on. Just to put in perspective though how much I played, I had a lvl 129 (120 F2p) with a 1996 total level.
Overall its a fun good game, but not one of the best out there...to me its either a game that really clicks with you and you get into the whole world the quests, the skills, the clanning, the monsters, the leveling, or you play it once on a F2P server and your like...these are terrible graphics, slow gameplay, and theres not a lot going.
Basically while your playing it if your into it, its a ton of fun and it seems like a real good game. When you take a step back...well eh its average. Still games are designed for fun and for a certain type of person Runescape can provide hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands hours of fun.
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